Hue's First warlock video :)

Wasn't that bad.

I couldn't help thinking if the two derps, I mean Rogue and Priest, @ 4:38 had a clue they would have easily beaten you.

Some of these people were exceptionally bad.

We should all record our BGs and post for posterity.
Nice video, show strenghts and weaknesses of lock in a good way
I have to admit that those hordies were just awful.
It was painful to watch that rogue especially (although that priest wasn't any better at all).
Nice video, show strenghts and weaknesses of lock in a good way
I have to admit that those hordies were just awful.
It was painful to watch that rogue especially (although that priest wasn't any better at all).

Haha thanks for the feedback and yeah i wasn't planning on staying to fight the priest/rogue duo however that mindflay irritated me enough to make me stay .>.>
1. Your view distance is terrible. Positioning is 3/4 of the battle in BG, and with no scope of the field you are an effective gimp. It's worst when you are playing a squishy caster.

2. You cast UA on out of combat rogues before applying a single dot. Get out of this habit. You'll end up paying for this against any decent opponent.

3. You use Agony too often, and Doom too little. I saw you dropping Agony on targets before Corruption, or with no one else on the field with Doom.

4. Your UI needs serious work. Icicle and Quartz are must haves. You don't make use of Focus (as far as I saw), your screen is littered with tons of irrelevant SCT (which hurts gameplay in some moments I saw). Put a filter on the damage or effects of SCT, download some essential addons (like Icicle and Quartz) and put some Focus macros to work.

5. Music was great.
not exactly how you were specced in this, but i prioritize curse of weakness over dots on ferals/rogues/hunters. Jinx is just too good not to abuse.
2. You cast UA on out of combat rogues before applying a single dot. Get out of this habit. You'll end up paying for this against any decent opponent.

This is all I could think of the entire video. Really stupid.

What is your FPS at while filming?
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Duels would be great.

It was interesting to watch a warlock pov, but some clips were really not interesting: 2 lvl24 not even focusing you, and a whole bg letting a warlock free? come one, warlocks are the first class to be targeted with players who half know what they are doing.
hehe good vid. mines coming in 2months (need to finish druid's and start on rogue and little huntard which i dont play anymore but got the footage haha)
You dotting and fearing everything in sight and when people are actually on you, you die.. yeeea no, not entertaining and not very skilled

Could be because the game is terrible and not your fault, though you could have played better, but it was pretty boring to watch.

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