How would you balance PvP

If you don't want to get facerolled by a team of 10 hunters, you are forced to roll one. Yes, 10 hunters would be quite rare, but I've been in plenty of games with 6, 7, even 8 hunters on one side.

I played a game on my holy priest against at team with 6 hunters, 3 paladins and a rogue. Needless to say we lost 0 - 3, because the hunters can conc shot anyone running across mid til his 5 other hunters catch up and kill us while we cant get close (we only had 1-2 hunters).

Saying "no one forces you to NOT play a hunter so quit whining" is just ignorant. It's not the fact that we aren't forced to NOT play one, it's the fact that we are at a severe disadvantage for choosing not to roll one because of how OP they are.

had one game where horde was mostly hunters(with a 24 hunter) and alliance was mostly pallies(No 24s). Ended up in a stalemate(draw). Got to admit that was the most epic game ever.
if you don't want to get rolled by hunters, you are forced to queue as a group. if you roll a hunter and continue to queue solo in an effort to "counter" hunters, you're not going to have any more fun than you were before, because (drumroll)...battlegrounds that are low level hunters vs low level hunters are not fun.

if you're ever queuing solo in the 20-24 bracket, you're doing it wrong, period. i understand that many of you are used to queuing solo and enjoying fun battlegrounds based on your past experiences in WoW. however, this bracket is different. you are going to need to queue as a group if you want to enjoy yourself in this bracket, whether you like it or not.
Alright so after reading Blizzard's excuse that they are aware of low level pvp imbalance but are unsure about how to fix it or the fix would be on to large a scale to even attempt I thought I'd try and start a thread discussing "easy" fixes to the current imbalances, in whatever form that maybe.

For example as a Warrior my Wishlist is:

a) an interrupt, preferably pummel - so i have a chance againist mages and healers

hamstring - so you don't have to spec fury

c) charge allowed in combat - hunters need i say more

d) overpower - rouges and evasion is tough

e) give me the outlaw sabre so i can destroy.... - probably not gonna happen

Now some of these things may seem unrealistic and they very well could be but they are all their for a reason, feel free to tell me why they don't work.

Nope.. I have a 24 fury war and all i need to kill hunters is an extra charge..I would like overpower to have a 3 sec cd though
Deoman your a 24 warrior with the outlaw sabre, probably high level enchant and proffesion... Did you read this post?

First off this bracket will never be balanced if people play 24s - you can all try to justify what your doing but you've given yourself a huge advantage over your normal opposition and then are impressed with yourselves when you can do well in a BG. (don't even get me started on 24 hunters...)

Second your a 24 fury warrior with piercing howl, what about a warrior that wants to spec prot or arms, no snare?

Third, you already have overpower.

4th you want another free charge instead of charge in combat?
Not sure if this was posted already, but the first thing I would take out is MULTIBOXING.
5 friends working together > 5 man boxer.

Problem fixed.

5 F2P Twinked Players (ANY class) will not win against a twinked multiboxer, especially one that has em all level 24 imo
5 F2P Twinked Players (ANY class) will not win against a twinked multiboxer, especially one that has em all level 24 imo

lol no. A paladin can outheal everything but the initial burst, and that's what bop is for. 5 random hunters cannot ever hope to win vs a 5boxer, however, the focus fire is too good

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