How would you balance PvP


Alright so after reading Blizzard's excuse that they are aware of low level pvp imbalance but are unsure about how to fix it or the fix would be on to large a scale to even attempt I thought I'd try and start a thread discussing "easy" fixes to the current imbalances, in whatever form that maybe.

For example as a Warrior my Wishlist is:

a) an interrupt, preferably pummel - so i have a chance againist mages and healers

hamstring - so you don't have to spec fury

c) charge allowed in combat - hunters need i say more

d) overpower - rouges and evasion is tough

e) give me the outlaw sabre so i can destroy.... - probably not gonna happen

Now some of these things may seem unrealistic and they very well could be but they are all their for a reason, feel free to tell me why they don't work.
Across the board hunter damage nerf 50%. Im not even joking or exaggerating with that figure, it would put them in line with other classes.
Make the hunter class a hero class like DK's, where they start at level 55. All problems solved for low level pvp.
Are we talking in general, only PvP , or only this bracket?

It matters because the issues of e.g. XP-On and XP-Off are a bit different.

As for Warriors: Hamstring back to 12(?) would be nice and alliviate most of the issues Warriors have. Charge-in-combat would be going way too far, Prot Warriors can roll over a lot toons at 29 and that's with just one-handed Tank damage; adding it to Arms and Fury this low would make them rediculous, their damage if they connect is quite high (esp. when properly macro'ed).
As said above:

Hunters shouldn't be able to shoot while moving.

Hunter damage should be nerfed a significant amount.

And what I also think needs to be done.

Disengage needs a 45-60 second recharge.

and perhaps a little nerfage with the stun duration of Scatter Shot.

Then I would be content.
I dont think making the hunter class a hero class would be fair. BUT I do think that some one could take a look at their mechanics, in the lower levels, and fine tune them in line with the rest of the classes. Everything they do is OP. They do not require mana, they can move and shoot, they have 2 " OH SHIT " buttons and they have a pet with abilities and great damage. Take some of that away till 50 or 60 and they are golden.
Okay so maybe we as a community can put forward a concrete and simple way for blizzard to balance pvp at lower levels. It is obvious both in bg's and from the above comments that the major problem with low level pvp is hunters. Who I think need 3 things to fix.

1) 45 sec cooldown on disengage.

2 & 3) either reduce damage or limit range. i actually got oneshotted by a 24 hunter and im a warrior with nearly 1200hp. both boa chest and shoulders... I regularly in this bracket don't even get kited I just die after 5-6 shots... make hunters more of a skillful class let them keep their "oh shit" skills but reduce their god like burst damage.

Now i think every class could do with some minor tweaks.

Warriors - give us hamstring simple
maybe an interrupt?

All other classes I'm not sure haven't really played you guys got anything?
I'm thinking the Concussive Shot cool down needs to be raised like.. well, higher than it is. Basically, if a hunter see you first, you're done for. There are few instances where one can escape when said hunter spams Concussive Shot every 5 seconds, and it lasts for 6 seconds.
It's really not hunter damage that is the problem. If our damage was cut 50% we would still kite melee to death without being touched, and we are currently not able to dps down a healer of equal gear except by lining up scatter and intimidation or a pet ability.

The problem with hunters is the ability to maintain our damage at fairly high levels while moving, and our massive kiting ability. WoW is designed around the idea that ranged classes are all supposed to kite melee, and that the lowered damage done while kiting is very approximately equal to the damage done by a melee during the time he is on the caster. As a hunter, our damage while kiting is absurdly high, and our kiting ability is too strong. Both of these would need to be addressed to balance hunters.

I'd reduce kiting ability by pushing disengage back until a higher level. Alternatively, I'd take the cooldown off concussive shot but give it a 1.5 second cast time. This would make kiting a little more like a frost mage, where we have to stop and cast in order to continue kiting.

As for reducing damage while kiting, removing moving autoshot would be plenty. Another alternative would be reducing baseline focus regen to 0 rather than 4 focus/second, making it imposible to keep using shots while kiting.
you make good points pinochet but i'd like to point out that as a priest in bg's facing a hunter even when im pretty geared is not fun. 1v1 yes but if you're grouped even in a pair you do ridiculous amounts of damage. So yes while disengage is the major concern the fact that hunters consistently top bg damage is also enlightening.

~ i think the game would be much funner if hunters had to kite successfully for maybe over the 5-7 seconds that they do now and half the time i don't even reach them when they are just hitting s,s,s,s...

I think you might be onto something with giving concuss shot a casting time. and maybe halve the focus regen while moving?
Not saying that removing shot-on-the-run wouldn't make for less silly animations and adress part of the problem, but seeing the way MoP is going (no more minimum range, no more Guns for PC Gnomes) I don't see this happening, no matter how many top-Arena teams contain Hunters.

But yes, too many 'o shit buttons' compared to other classes as well as a Pet is one issue (making WoW's 'ranger' class awfully dull and too forgiving, resulting in Huntardism etc.), the too high damage is another. Basically they should either follow the Warrior/caster paradigm (few-to-none 'o shit' buttons/hardcast yet high damage), or keep the utility but have their damage reduced to make for a more balanced class. Nobody minds being outplayed (be it by positioning like Warriors, or being kited in ways that shouldn't be successful with team play), it's the combination that can be disheartening.
What would I do to balance low lvl PvP? Gve Blizz a brain and help them with the word "balance" they have to understand what it means before we can even start with it lol
just get rid of hunters in this game already

they've had soooo many chances to fix hunters in this game, and they have fucked it up every single time. they just completely redesigned the hunter class for this last expansion, and sure enough, they're STILL imbalanced at low levels, and STILL garbage in endgame pvp

just give up already. nobody likes hunters at any level. get rid of them
Conc shot,scatter shot,wingclip,disengage,pet abilities (+ intimidation if bm), already at lvl20 and with short cds? Remove half of them and make them trainable at higher levels

Also,make scatter shot break on damage

Or give them their own bracket, there would be more than enough pops


Disengage requires a higher level

Scatter Shot requires a higher level

Concussive shot costs 5 focus**

Auto-shot while moving requires a higher level

Pet Abilities unchanged


Regrowth coefficient increased to levels more in-line with other healing classes

Mangle damage dropped down to levels between current and pre-buff**

Skull bash available at ~18


Hamstring available at ~12

Flat 30% damage nerf


Crippling poison snare scales based on level (leaving level 20 rogues with something like a 50% snare instead of 70%)**


Frost Armor? (would be looking for a base armor increase as well as a slight pushback reduction) available at ~12**

Improved CS moved higher into the arcane tree


Pet abilities available at 20, similar to hunters


Hammer of Justice stun length reduced to 4 seconds

Flash of Light coefficient slightly reduced

Ret and Prot heals brought down to a level similar to Enhancement and Feral healing (until talented?)**


Shear cooldown brought in line with Kick

**Possible changes
Make the hunter class a hero class like DK's, where they start at level 55. All problems solved for low level pvp.

Hunters cant be a hero class cause they're pretty shit at 85...

And shft I agree with all that except druids. If I could heal harder and interrupt yeah GG.

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