How will you spec?

Conrose said:
These are the three Hunter Specs I'd use (One for each tree) but I'd say I'm partial to the BM and the SV play styles.

WoW Talent Calculator - Sigrie

I wonder if a sword and board wth high stam in cata could get me to under 90% health if I switched before an aimed shot? Hunters should have about a 50% crit rate or higher with aimd shots on targets with more than 90% hp

Also I'm looking forward to shatter combos on my 19 mage!

Start frostbolt cast

Pet nova

Fireblast (instead of ice lance)

This should work^
Grabco said:
I wonder if a sword and board wth high stam in cata could get me to under 90% health if I switched before an aimed shot? Hunters should have about a 50% crit rate or higher with aimd shots on targets with more than 90% hp

Also I'm looking forward to shatter combos on my 19 mage!

Start frostbolt cast

Pet nova

Fireblast (instead of ice lance)

This should work^

Well, it would only really work if a mage could get enough crit. On my druid i cant really get above 14% without gimping myself, and thats with dignified with 22 int. Still, the cata gear seems to have a fair amount of crit on it so you can stay hopefull :)
lindenkron said:
Afaik hunters lose serpent sting at 19? So that would be a waste of points :)

Also, you can only specc in one tree now, not multiply (afaik).

How did you do that?


You made it to where I can hover over the abbreviation and see what it means... I might be a noob but, how'd you do that? :D
Missboom said:
I will experiment my shaman as enhancement at first,,12479

Paladins will need to experiment between prot and ret for the most damage: Prot is going to be amazing i think.

Prot 60% of attack power gets converted to spellpower (monster judgments and seal damage). Ret 30% of attack power gets converted to spellpower (lackluster judgements and damage)

vengence mechanic (warriors and pallies): 5% of damage taken gets conveted to attack power up to 10% of your HP that is approximately 150 extra AP (warriors and pallies) +90 spellpower (pallies only) but to get to this you'd have to take about 3000 damage which would probably kill you in most cases unless you have a lot of cool downs to blow. There is also no real indication of how long this effect will last. Not to mention in the current form what gift of the naruu heals for

Gap closers like avengers shield into a hammer of justice into a thunderstomp should be pretty good. I'll probably go tauren at first just to try it but then back to draenei.
Grabco said:
Make sure to spend 6!!! talent points!


Ret :,,12479

the pursuit of justice opens your boot enchant for +5hit, +7stam, +7 agility. Going with +5hit will in turn open up the other gear pieces currently chest, back and shoulders

Honestly, if rets end up getting DS as one of their bonus abilities, I'd spec into Righteous Vengeance. Right now, rets rely on RNG and crits with white hits / judgements. I made a crit gear set up specifically for premades on my 19 paladin. That 10% extra damage from using all our attacks we'll have available at 19 with a decent crit % will wreck.

My 2 cents
now ive looked at the warrior trees again i think i'll be speccing prot. MS and anger management is nice... but Ive decided that the dispell will be more effective than MS, 15% more stam is very nice, as is vengeance. Imp revenge is sweet too. However my main reason for wanting to spec prot is
Slam the target with your shield, causing 294 to 308 damage plus 100% of your attack power and dispelling 1 magic effect on the target. Also causes a high amount of threat

That with a sader proc and vengeance will hurt bad. imagine being crit for 1200 by a single shield slam during a sader proc.
druid will be feral at first but will probably go back to resto eventually

palladin will be ret but i might give holy a try if i find a group to play with on fucking trollbane(lol)

between my 2 warlocks im going to try out all 3 specs everything looks nnice. (but i wouldnt have looked twice at demo if it werent for soul link)

hunter marks on 1 survival on the other

mage frost or arcane i'm not sure yet. goin to have to try em both

rogue will be sub (daggers)
Moardotz said:
Honestly, if rets end up getting DS as one of their bonus abilities, I'd spec into Righteous Vengeance. Right now, rets rely on RNG and crits with white hits / judgements. I made a crit gear set up specifically for premades on my 19 paladin. That 10% extra damage from using all our attacks we'll have available at 19 with a decent crit % will wreck.

My 2 cents

yeah pursuit of justice doesn't seem that good I think Lindenkron convinced me of that a few posts later. 5% chance of hitting with an extra judement might also be nice. but I think prot is going to wreck more. More time on target with a 10 second daze (avengers shield) and increased uptime on hammer of justice, 60% of AP converted to spellpower rets only get 30% conversion (don't forget at 19 ret and prot gear can be the same).
Prot > Ret. For sure.

When you don't have HoF to stay on target and pressure, being a defensive dmg dealer (prot) is the next best thing. Plus the fact that you counter warrior rogue hunters and other paladins way harder than you do as ret(where you don't at all ;o).

On top of that, you get a lower CD on a really long (6 seconds) stun and the 1 point in 'Sanctuary' will keep your mana up. (1% mana each avoided attack. 1% of 800 is 8 mana. Each time). As mentioned by Blizzard the standard block will be 30%, if not for all trees, then for protection. Meaning you'll block and reg.. a lot. :)

Also, you get Avengers Shield, which by far makes up for losing DS. It dazes enemies, making you more likely to get within close range to do actual damage instead of getting kited. Also, if you can get the glyph at this level, you can increase its damage by 100%. If not, it dazes 3 targets, making it still extremely viable compared to DS.

All in all. Holy / Prot > Ret.

PS. All of these things are of course open for changes since it's still just Beta.

I rest my case,

Best regards,
lindenkron said:
Prot > Ret. For sure.

Im not so sure anymore. From a ToT and dps PoV prot is definately better, i will concede that. However with rets near limitless mana allowing him to cast FoL almost constantly, and with effectively 100sp in ret gear i see the ret outlasting a prot, and in certain situations being a better choice. Eg, in a 3v3 you could take 3 dps, maybe feral/hunter/ret without worrying where the heals were coming from, meaning your ret can dish out huge amounts of damage, and even if he does get bogged down in a wingclip he can still spot heal. A ret with 1k mana (assuming ret gear with 22int wep) would have 50 mp5, a fecking huge amount! and with a fair amount of sp and FoL being a huge heal he will be more than capable of healing easily enough. A prot will have more ToT, but will also have mana issues when it comes to healing. I see rets being very difficult to kill.

Edit: Prots mana issues might not exist, im not sure, but it would have nearly as much mana as a ret.

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