How will you spec?


Simple question: how will you spec in Cataclysm given the current bèta talent trees for your twink(s)? Note that you have 6 points to spend, if you want to know why read this post by Kore. My spec will look like this. Click here to look at your talent tree and simply copy your URL to your post when you're done. No need to save anything.

Resto shaman frost mage feral druid marks hunter
Make sure to spend 6!!! talent points!


Ret :,,12479

the pursuit of justice opens your boot enchant for +5hit, +7stam, +7 agility. Going with +5hit will in turn open up the other gear pieces currently chest, back and shoulders





Fire,,12479 for the stun proc

Frost,,12479 for better slowing

or,,12479 for a faster frost bolt

shatter is interesting because it multiplies crit chance by 3 (10% crit change becomes 30%) so 33% crit become 99%? might try to get a frost mage that crits everytime someone is frozen.

To be honest there are probably lots of ways to spec in cata just depends on what you want
Grabco. I agree with the holy, however, I'd take sanc (1% mana on block) and Eye for an Eye instead. Imo, the difference from swapping the ench on boots is minor. 5% chance to hit someone with a judgement.. Major. And it has a 2 sec CD, meaning it has no hidden CD or they wouldn't add that.

And for prot, go read up on block chance in cata. Endless mana anyone?
lindenkron said:
Grabco. I agree with the holy, however, I'd take sanc (1% mana on block) and Eye for an Eye instead. Imo, the difference from swapping the ench on boots is minor. 5% chance to hit someone with a judgement.. Major. And it has a 2 sec CD, meaning it has no hidden CD or they wouldn't add that.

And for prot, go read up on block chance in cata. Endless mana anyone?

Maybe you're right on the pursuit of justice but it does free up boot enchant no other class or spec can offer this consistent movement speed increase.

Eye for an Eye does the attacker have to be in range of the judgment? my guess is yes....

Righteous vengance might be nice too

they all look nice i'm very excited
Arms Warr

Ambush Rogue

Prolly play all specs on Druid
Never been a real fan of Subtlety for a rogue so will try out,8,12479 at first. (if recuperate isn't as good as I hope those 2 points will shift to precision or 1 in improved sprint and 1 in precision)

However if combat just seems to really under preform I wil change to the Ambush spec obviously (got my AB laying around somewhere I believe)

Grabco said:
Maybe you're right on the pursuit of justice but it does free up boot enchant no other class or spec can offer this consistent movement speed increase.

Assassination rogues can pick up 1 point in Quickening which also gives the 8% speed increase in addition to 10% more healing taken.
I'll play about with feral and balance on my druid, but i'll probably just worm my way back to resto at some point :)

arms most likely on my warrior

I'll mess about with all three specs on my shaman

If i get my priest done by cata he'll be "shadow"

If i get my lock done by cata i havent a clue.
UmpteenthTwink said:
Holy pala.

nuff said.

Don't overhype.

Edit: Ontopic, is only really one way to spec for Holy, save maybe 1 point; placing it into Improved LoH, if you're pure WSG support.
UmpteenthTwink said:
Holy pala.

nuff said.

Although I'm going to mess around with holy I just don't see it being as strong priests and druids. both classes get more utility in their healing options.
Llare said:
Don't overhype.

Edit: Ontopic, is only really one way to spec for Holy, save maybe 1 point; placing it into Improved LoH, if you're pure WSG support.

Imp LoH will be useful for sure, especially since LoH will no longer available for 19 ^^
Kore nametooshort said:
Imp LoH will be useful for sure, especially since LoH will no longer available for 19 ^^

really? that's depressing, LoH can be game breaking always sad when something like that leaves the bracket.

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