How to transmogrificate PROBLEM-FREE

OK, so I saw people saying that they didnt get the BoAs transmogged to their 1 twinks before the 4th try or so, which costs like 1k if ur doing the helm.

Guess what:)

Send a couple of gold in the same mail and it will work ! I did it with my dagger & my shoulders (1 by 1!) and I got the dagger on the first try, while sending money.. I just got the idea on the second try when sending my Shoulders:)
You could just be lucky. Worked for me first try when I tried a sword.
Puh.. 100% skill, always

SORT OF off topic, but can someone confirm that this glitch is still working after the mini patch, rolling restarts, & hotfixes yesterday (12/2)?

On topic: My 2 cents... I think it's really just random, there's no "trick" to it to make it work 100% of the time. It is a server side glitch that is not stripping the transmog 100% of the time as Blizz intended. Personally I've had it work every time no problem.
I have transmogged around 15 heirlooms to different chars..

What i do is:

1. Transmog.

2. Send Item 1 by 1.

3. Get them from mailbox, ,1 by 1.

4. Put them on.

I have 100% succes! With all slots of heirlooms!
SORT OF off topic, but can someone confirm that this glitch is still working after the mini patch, rolling restarts, & hotfixes yesterday (12/2)?

On topic: My 2 cents... I think it's really just random, there's no "trick" to it to make it work 100% of the time. It is a server side glitch that is not stripping the transmog 100% of the time as Blizz intended. Personally I've had it work every time no problem.

I made a post about it on one of the other xmog topics .. we really should just use 1

but yes, you can still do it
all of mine worked the first time *except* one of my helms. of COURSE it would be that one, right??
yeah im just doing them all 1 by 1 up to 10 boas now and 100% success rate ..also i hope its not fixed 12/6
Thanks! Your advice worked like a charm.

I jumped on this bandwagon late so my mog is hastily thrown together and I don't have any mail wearers on my 1's server so I just threw some stuff on a paladin. I wanted to at least get something so I didn't look like the standard BOA's. Working on a better set and crossing my fingers this maintenance doesn't 'fix' the boa transmog's.
mogging BoA's still works after update!
mogging BoA's still works after update!

how do you know? maintenance is not over here yet, cant log in. Would be great, still need a good-looking leather helmet, some1 had a good idea?
all of mine worked the first time *except* one of my helms. of COURSE it would be that one, right??

exact same thing happened to me everything but my helm worked, wasnt willing to fork out another 375g to do the helm >.>
Blizz hasn't fixed the bug. Was able to put Nightfall on my BOA axe and mail it to my lvl 1. Worked flawlessly.
how do you know? maintenance is not over here yet, cant log in. Would be great, still need a good-looking leather helmet, some1 had a good idea?

your server was slow to come up .. cause i posted right after i tried it

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