I literally necoroed a thread showing how to do this. You didn't find it either you stole it. https://xpoff.com/threads/transmog-your-wrong-armor-class.71956/ get a job and buy a token holy shit. Actally don't even get a job, just go and mow a couple neighbors lawns, take the money you get from that give it to your mom and she will buy a token for you using her card. it's a lot more rewarding than scamming people
I guess I'll release the method, since it seems lke this is common knowledge around here.
I didn't steal the method tho'. That thread you linked is from 2017. I made a video on how to do it in 2016.
I don't appreciate your hostility. Perhaps you should lose a couple of pounds, I heard that good airflow relaxes the mind.
"I didn't steal the method tho'."
Maybe not, but you where about to steal like 100K, and how wold you "encrypt" the methode?
It's not stealing 100k. I didn't realize this was common knowledge, since people constantly ask around if you can still do this thing. So selling it isn't stealing. It's a trade.
I'd encrypt it by writing the script myself.
PreachTrading 100K for a script you don't even need is 100K,
writing something yourself != encryption..