How to heal others - (nube guide)

I'm getting tired of not receiving heals from my team mates (horde) so I made this brief guide.

You can heal others, without being a designated healer through your talent tree, by targeting your teammates and casting spells like flash of light or word of glory (paladins, druids, shamans, priests can heal other party members). In case you thought they were just for self healing, the spells that can heal anyone say something like "heals a friendly target for ..."

On the left side of your screen should be a little arrow thing. Click it and there is a button that says "show/hide". Toggle it on and you'll see each party member's name with a little green bar. This is their health bar and if it isn't all green, then they would like you to heal them (Note - they don't have to whisper you or use a macro that says they need healing before you are allowed to heal them). Also be aware that you can heal someone before they get to 25% or less health.

If you are unsure about whether someone needs healing and can't figure out the health bar system, try casting healing spells on anyone that is being repeatedly shot by one or more hunters.

If anyone has tips on healing others or tips on receiving heals from others, like macros, keybinds, or addons, please contribute.
Best to use mouseover macros in battlegrounds. All you have to is point your cursor over the target/frame you want to heal, and press your keybind. Here's an example.


/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Regrowth

Just replace regrowth with whichever spell you need.
Easy mouseover heals for Pallies:

#showtooltip Holy Shock

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Holy Shock; Holy Shock

#showtooltip Word of Glory

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Word of Glory; Word of Glory

#showtooltipFlash of Light

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Flash of Light; Flash of Light

Any other heals for any other class just simply use:

/cast [@mouseover,exists] (Spell); (Spell)
Or you could just all use bandaids .... just saying

jokes aside ... I think the main problem is that alot class who can heal but are not mainly specced healers are hiding their healing frame.

I myself use grid showing on all my character ( even pure dps class )and set up in a way to track health / debuff /buff / hots and everything.

left corner is renew , next to it is powerword shield ... on the right corner I track rejuv but I had none on me on the SS so its not showing and next to it weakened soul debuff , in the middle I have player debuff showing ( such a fairie fire in the screenshot or any other debuff like sheep , sap , etc )

The first link is the grid addon , the next 2 are small addon that works with grid and allow you to do more with it. There is alot more grid related addon you can DL and you can customize the raid frame completely

Though Blizzard raid frame are fine too for a non healer , they greatly buffed it in 4.0. Just make sure you have it showing and not hidden

step 1:

step 2:

step 3:
Kazuki said:
Best to use mouseover macros in battlegrounds. All you have to is point your cursor over the target/frame you want to heal, and press your keybind. Here's an example.


/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Regrowth

Just replace regrowth with whichever spell you need.

But how do I click my spell when the cursor has to be over the target?
I don't use mouse over I use the raid unit frames if someone is within range of me they usually will get a heal. Here is a brief list of who to heal first

1. FC and other healers (always top priority if other healers are bad see #2)

2. Self

3. Players with high burst damage output as long as they are decent players Hunters, Ret Paladins, Mages, Warriors. Rogues shouldn't need a heal because most of their burst comes from the opener. ALWAYS HEAL GOOD Hunters/MAGES. These two classes have the best combination of burst/mobility. We know that hunters have good damage and CC but A good mage can also hit for 1K if both the fireball and arcane barrage crit. Mages along with hunters can CC and control the healers on the other team

4. Players in Trouble (obviously)

Don't forget to top people off with a holy shock or hand of light (low mana cost) when you are not in heavy combat, and always carry a few mana potions with you so you don't have to worry about mana.
My advice is not to healers but those that want to be healed. Keep track of where your healz are and stay within range when possible.

This goes doubly for the FC.

Watch for your healer to get sapped or CC'd in mid - don't keep running unless there is a large group on your ass or you have plenty of other support.
Can you make a guide on how to protect the healers next? Most people will target the healer to kill first, can't count how many times I've been left behind to get killed.
FC should also place their healers on focus or set up their raidframes to show casts. I cant count how many times FCs have outranged or LoS a heal.
i use a combination of healbot, wow UI, focus, focus macros, and mouseover macros on my pally. for 1v1 and straight pvp healbot is nub since it is essentially a clicker addon, but it does allow for quickly cast all types of heals on anyone in range without targeting them. as such, it has its place on stationary D healing and mid support simply for its speed, ease, and reliability.

Åöë @ Skullcrusher - Game - World of Warcraft
KeviKev said:
Keybind your spells! Stop clicking on them.

But how do I turn/move then? I don't want to stop everytime I cast a spell. I understand that it doesn't matter for spells with cast time but I want to use my instants while moving.
I have had some success receiving heals from team members when the healer in question 1) is a guildie 2) is on the same server and has been given a large amount of gold for the service or 3) has been flattered by you for the amazing job of healing they are doing.

I find it is more difficult to get healed if 1) the healer is getting roflstomped by a hunter and you run past them 2) you are not in range of the healer 3) you say several disparaging comments to the healer, especially if the comments revolve around you not getting any heals.

A lot of people play classes that have the ability to heal but they don't have any real desire to heal. A good example if this is the enh shaman. An enh shaman basically plays a rogue that can't stealth. It was a conscious decision to play a non stealthing rouge, It was specifically not the decision to play an agility stacking healer.

If you are that hard up for heals I suggest you employ ether my first 3 suggestions or roll a healer yourself

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