How to get a Lucky Fishing Hat [STV Fishing Tournament]


Bracket Tourist
The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza
Ripped most of this information from @Sponsor's original guide, thank you for the legwork my friend!

Wondering how to get the suave and stylish This guide is not magic, it will not increase the drop chance of, nor will it influence the Gods of Tastyfish pools from swirling up to your feet.

However, in this guide I will explain:
  1. Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza 101
  2. Getting ready for Sunday
  3. Pool locations
  4. Meeting the fishies
  5. Some Numbers
1. Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza 101

The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza is a weekly fishing competition that takes place in the entire Stranglethorn Vale zone.
Once the server clock dings 2:00 PM the tournament begins and pools of begin to spawn.
The goal of the competition is to be the first player on your Realm to fish up 40 Speckled Tastyfish and hand them in to Riggle Bassbait, who is located in Booty Bay.

Completing the fishing tournament quest (Grand Prize!) will earn you a choice to one of the following prizes:
But as a twink, none of these matter to us.

2. Getting Ready for Sunday

Things you'll need
  • Minimum 1 Fishing skill (This changed to 1 in Wrath)
  • A fishing pole
  • A buddy to protect/secure fishing nodes (recommended but not required)
  • The "Find Fish" tracking ability (recommended but not required)
These Waterlogged Wreckage pools spawn all over STV as well and have a pretty good chance to drop Iron Bound Trunks, which have chance to drop the Weather Beaten-Journal which can teach you the "Find Fish" ability which will give you the ability to see pools on your minimap!




3. Pool Locations

Once you have arrived in Stranglethorn Vale you will realize how vast the coastline is. To simplify things for all of you, here is a map of where Speckled Tasty Fish pools spawn:


The yellow line indicates where you can fish when you have a buddy who can protect your twink. You can always solo it at your own risk, of course. There is not a "better" coast to fish on. It really comes down to preference. Western coast has mainly melee mobs, while the east coast has Defias Mages.

The green circle (north west corner) indicates the location of Yojamba Isle. If you are a casual twink that does not have access to high level friends, or you just want to be semi-afk while fishing, this spot is for you!

The blue line is pretty safe for the most part, there are pirates and other mobs at either end but I have fished here without a bodyguard plenty of times and done perfectly fine.

4. Meeting The Fishies

The Three rare fish you'll come across are
1. Keefer's Angelfish
2. Dezian Queenfish
3. Brownell's Blue Stripped Racer
These three guys are very hard to come by as they all roughly hover around a 0.1% drop rate. Although these fish all seem so desirable, the most popular one amongst twinks is Keefer's Angelfish. This fish is the criteria to obtain the Lucky Fishing Hat!

5. Some Numbers (source)

Keefer's Angelfish: 0.25%
(1 in every 400 tastyfish)

Dezien Queenfish: 0.22% (1 in every 450 tastyfish)

Brownell's Blue Striped Racer : 0.18% (1 in every 550 tastyfish)

ANY rare fish: 0.65% (1 in every 150 tastyfish)

So if you were to catch 100 tastyfish every Sunday (which is about how many I usually get), you would have a 22% chance to get the Angelfish, or a 48% chance to get any rare fish. Personally, I've probably caught around 750-1000 tastyfish, and have found 3 x Dezien Queenfish. My chance of finding an angelfish with that many caught is somewhere around 90%. I shall keep on trying...

I don't see why Blizzard would make the droprates different for each individual fish, so we can probably assume that they share the same rate (The average is 0.22%). With this in mind, there is obviously a rather large margin of error for these rates. This is because there is very little data on thottbot for the fishing competition (only a total of 233 rare fish are recorded at this time). If you wish to help, run thottbot while you farm and upload your data.

Good luck and happy fishing!
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I've been fishing for the fourth week in a row and I still haven't caught a fish to get my hat or shoes. Every four weeks I won the competition, took the fishing rod and 3x the jewelry (the jewelry gives at least 2.5 gold). I specifically went to a dead server so I could fish in peace. But I'm kinda out of luck.

I have fishing skill 300 and use the fishing pole with +40 fishing. I use a bait on top of that and have the +5 fishing line on the fishing rod. My impression is, that the +445 fishing skill didn't improve anything. Fishing in these tasty fish pools does not require any skill ... should also work with skill 1.
Today, like on each of the last 3 weekends, I caught 210 tasty fish from around 60 sites, together over 800 fish ... and i hate fishing.

If you see a twink in the battleground, he's wearing the special hat and shoes. What an ordeal if you have to fish 1000 fish for each item. I know, random means random ... but that really pisses me off.

What more can I do than run from fishing spot to fishing spot for 2 hours every weekend?

Next Sunday I will definitely catch the 1000th tasty fish on my little hunter ... with my luck without a hat and shoes ...
Thanks and bye
I participated in close to 30 events since classic and the fishing patch released

Only ever one hat.

I don’t even play classic
Thanks for the feedback @CigNus and @chelly . I've never tried to get the hat and boots. Always played twinks with the engineer goggles and it was ok. Now I try and as only guided by the information that something should happen "about every 400 fish." I know it's not 100% sure, but I'm so, very far over it now. That's where hope leaves you. I'll keep fishing then ... and if he hasn't died ... ;-)
Since we were on the special topic here, I only wrote fish, but of course I meant tastyfish. I've already caught over 800 of the tastyfish over four weekends, hence my displeasure with the RNG god. But I will keep trying ...
4 rare fish this weekend. 0 Last week RNG vibes


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