How to Become Immune to Crowd Control in WSG

Bromrotama said:
Nice job something dumb like this. Encourage people to use unintentional methods to become immune to crowd control. Real twinks or should i say PVPERS wont use this, just like you wont use fap's. I am getting an eerily similiar feeling to when TI posted how to exploit shoulder/head chants....

How is this dumb? Take your "moral high ground" and gtfo. It's right there next to rumsey rum or any other consumable people choose to use. Hell, it's cheap and easy to use, so if people want to spend their time spamming a key for this in WSG who gives a shit. Not gamebreaking in any sense.

And rofl at even remotely comparing this to exploits. You sir are the grand over-reactor of the day.
scytale said:
How is this dumb? Take your "moral high ground" and gtfo. It's right there next to rumsey rum or any other consumable people choose to use. Hell, it's cheap and easy to use, so if people want to spend their time spamming a key for this in WSG who gives a shit. Not gamebreaking in any sense.

And rofl at even remotely comparing this to exploits. You sir are the grand over-reactor of the day.

Hmmmm lets compare...

Being able to break CC in a premade match where CC is pivotal


150 health buff from Rum

Do you see my point. Anyone who knows anything about pvp knows cc is incredible important and necessary in a coordinated match. I think i might even go as far as saying CC is MORE important than the stats that exploits gave you. Sorry if i enjoy pure pvp, im sure you're the type of person who uses health pots, faps, consumables, speed pots etc. Do you also slow-fall to the relief hut? All im saying is if someone knew a sheep was inc on them from me, and they popped that, i would consider that incredibly cheap. And i know many others who would to.
Bromrotama said:
Hmmmm lets compare...

Being able to break CC in a premade match where CC is pivotal


150 health buff from Rum

Do you see my point. Anyone who knows anything about pvp knows cc is incredible important and necessary in a coordinated match. I think i might even go as far as saying CC is MORE important than the stats that exploits gave you. Sorry if i enjoy pure pvp, im sure you're the type of person who uses health pots, faps, consumables, speed pots etc. Do you also slow-fall to the relief hut? All im saying is if someone knew a sheep was inc on them from me, and they popped that, i would consider that incredibly cheap. And i know many others who would to.

It was put into the game, people use it for what they like. Take any advantage you can, PvP isnt about being fair to the other guy, and letting them basically make it so you cant play for 10-20 seconds. If you don't use it, good for you, use your e-morals, but dont get mad at people who do... they are the smart ones.
Orcgasm said:
It was put into the game, people use it for what they like. Take any advantage you can, PvP isnt about being fair to the other guy, and letting them basically make it so you cant play for 10-20 seconds. If you don't use it, good for you, use your e-morals, but dont get mad at people who do... they are the smart ones.

This is exactly the mentality im talking about when it comes to certain "twinks". The title of this thread is "how to become immune to Crowd control in WSG". lol this post is a joke as well as a good portion of the posters on TI.

I will say it again, real pvp'ers would never use this method to avoid CC and would scoff at those who do. But hey, it is in the game, so do what you like and have everyone consider you a joke cause you use them, just like almost everyone who uses FAPS are considered lols.
Bromrotama said:
Hmmmm lets compare...

Being able to break CC in a premade match where CC is pivotal


150 health buff from Rum

Do you see my point. Anyone who knows anything about pvp knows cc is incredible important and necessary in a coordinated match. I think i might even go as far as saying CC is MORE important than the stats that exploits gave you. Sorry if i enjoy pure pvp, im sure you're the type of person who uses health pots, faps, consumables, speed pots etc. Do you also slow-fall to the relief hut? All im saying is if someone knew a sheep was inc on them from me, and they popped that, i would consider that incredibly cheap. And i know many others who would to.

Sorry don't agree with you... It's an available item in a pre BC zone. All's fair in love and war.

But mainly I like anything that will reduce rogue power. ;)
The other day I was zapped about 9 times in a row along with another priest with me. 2 rogues just wanted to tie us up for the entire time our FC tried to run across field. They would not attack us, NO, cause they knew they would die. Instead we may have well just gone for a beer or 2.

Gay ..... but that's what some do for fun.

This rum would be a great time to use this - not all the time but for these instances I'd love to.

I see nothing wrong with it.
Bromrotama said:
This is exactly the mentality im talking about when it comes to certain "twinks". The title of this thread is "how to become immune to Crowd control in WSG". lol this post is a joke as well as a good portion of the posters on TI.

I will say it again, real pvp'ers would never use this method to avoid CC and would scoff at those who do. But hey, it is in the game, so do what you like and have everyone consider you a joke cause you use them, just like almost everyone who uses FAPS are considered lols.

Swifty must be a baddie then.
Ishh said:
This one should be new to most of you: [ITEM]Sulfuron Slammer[/ITEM] It has no cooldown, isn't affected by gcd and you can carry an unlimited amount. You can buy it from Plugger Spazzring in BRD, just use your main or a dk. Upon using it you'll take 4 dmg every 3 seconds for a total duration of 6 seconds. If you use it correctly you can get out of blinds, saps, poly's and other forms of cc that break on damage without a problem.

I expect Blizzard to hotfix or patch this sooner or later, so enjoy it while it lasts ;)

Knew about this for about... a year now.

Honestly I doubt it's going to get hotfixed.. and if it does i blame you.

Orcgasm said:
Swifty must be a baddie then.

Worse warrior ever.
Bromrotama said:
Hmmmm lets compare...

Being able to break CC in a premade match where CC is pivotal


150 health buff from Rum

Do you see my point. Anyone who knows anything about pvp knows cc is incredible important and necessary in a coordinated match. I think i might even go as far as saying CC is MORE important than the stats that exploits gave you. Sorry if i enjoy pure pvp, im sure you're the type of person who uses health pots, faps, consumables, speed pots etc. Do you also slow-fall to the relief hut? All im saying is if someone knew a sheep was inc on them from me, and they popped that, i would consider that incredibly cheap. And i know many others who would to.

Who are you to define "pure pvp?" Why do you get to draw the line on what is and isn't pure? Are grenades unacceptable for classes without ranged attacks or interrupts? I see no reason why these are unacceptable when rumsey rum is ok. Different effects, but the exact same method of obtaining and in no way an "exploit."

Feel free to check the stats on any of my twinks. I rarely use any kind of pot/consumable, even while leveling. Hell, Noggenfogger and rumsey rum are about the only consumables I use, period. Have never used a faps or speed pot that I can remember. And no where did I advocate exploitable terrain. But by all means, continue to pretend you know anything at all about me or my playstyle.

The point is, you see any number of those "exploits" in any given pug. Doesn't mean that the pug situation is lesser pvp. It just means there are more variables that you have to be aware of and react to. If it's a premade then obviously rules for consumables should be in place prior to the start.

And last thing...anyone running around popping these in WSG is paying less attention to the game around them. Their fingers are also busy pressing another button. They are going to have slower reactions and less game awareness. Sure these can be "game-changing" in a small number of encounters, but so can any other consumable (bombs, netherweave nets, weapon oils, etc, etc, etc).

tldr:bromrotoma is a bit :rolleyes: of a crybaby
scytale said:
Who are you to define "pure pvp?" Why do you get to draw the line on what is and isn't pure? Are grenades unacceptable for classes without ranged attacks or interrupts? I see no reason why these are unacceptable when rumsey rum is ok. Different effects, but the exact same method of obtaining and in no way an "exploit."

Feel free to check the stats on any of my twinks. I rarely use any kind of pot/consumable, even while leveling. Hell, Noggenfogger and rumsey rum are about the only consumables I use, period. Have never used a faps or speed pot that I can remember. And no where did I advocate exploitable terrain. But by all means, continue to pretend you know anything at all about me or my playstyle.

The point is, you see any number of those "exploits" in any given pug. Doesn't mean that the pug situation is lesser pvp. It just means there are more variables that you have to be aware of and react to. If it's a premade then obviously rules for consumables should be in place prior to the start.

And last thing...anyone running around popping these in WSG is paying less attention to the game around them. Their fingers are also busy pressing another button. They are going to have slower reactions and less game awareness. Sure these can be "game-changing" in a small number of encounters, but so can any other consumable (bombs, netherweave nets, weapon oils, etc, etc, etc).

tldr:bromrotoma is a bit :rolleyes: of a crybaby

All i am saying is that most would laugh at the twink that uses this, and for good reason. I never said it was an exploit, in fact i don't believe it to be. I suppose it is exploitative in the fact that it is intentionally misused but lets not argue over vocabulary. It is a method to avoid CC, i can think of numerous situations where this can be useful. See a mage casting polymorph? Ever had an encouter with a rogue where you were certain a blind was seconds away? And i have still never seen anyone use this succesfully. I was talking more in theory, it is cheap. Bombs, nets, weapon oils etc etc etc all have specific uses in bgs, and i would never group them in the same sentance with that rum.

Your last paragraph didnt make much sense, using this item is at the touch of a keybind just like any other ability, spell whatever.

tl;dr: lol at those who use this
Bromrotama said:
All i am saying is that most would laugh at the twink that uses this, and for good reason.

I'll agree with you on this statement. I only posted because I don't like the attitude some people have about imposing their idea of "real" pvp on others. So long as it is not an exploit or against a premade agreement, then feel free. Just a philosophical disagreement I suppose.

I've also never seen someone use it successfully. I have seen someone use 20-30 of them while waiting with me while I held the flag, waiting for a rogue that was never there. Kinda funny really.

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