How should I spec a 60 Priest? (Discipline)


I finally hit 60 on my Priest and need to spec Discipline for PvP but have no idea how to spec. There seem to be quite a few good combinations, does anyone have some examples of good builds for Disc?
Heya, I'm new to this whole twinking site and decided to make a user in order to reply to this post :)

The discipline specc seems to be what my specc is, the shadow is slightly different though.

With this being said - this has been my only priest, but I've turned out to play it somewhat well, so here's mine;

Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft along with Glyph of Dispersion (Extremely useful!!) and Power word shield, but that's mostly proven very neat in duels and 1v2's etc.

The changes briefly;

I've chosen Shadow Focus over Shadow Affinity as it minimizes potential misses and it goes very well against dps classes. With healer (dispel) combos I usually have enough burst / CC to take down one or just the healer, and from there it's a walk in the park :) But I never find myself without mana in arenas at least :p

Shadow Reach ; Even if a warrior has glyphed charge, you still have a longer range which allows you to dot him up and get him into combat (works amazing against arms and fury warriors) and of course any other class.

Mind Melt: Major damage increase in burst and overall damage - it's a must have!

Removed Pain and Suffering as you usually don't have the need for the refreshment of SW:p before a target is down, and if you do, you still should have enough mana to take everyone down ;)

No critisism, just my five cents :)

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