how private property is this site?

Do you think this site is a private property and the owner does everythig he wants?

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RC-ST. said:
So my question is : is this a private site of Drayner and he makes everything he wants here ?

of course it is you fucking moron. L2internet.
i was thinking of starting a new poll but then i remembered IDC enough so some other 'troller' should do it...

is RC-ST the biggest troll ever?

yes, he loves eDrama

no, he is just giving his insightful and help comments that are always on topic and to the point.

i had to 'lrn to internet' a bit my self, since i've been on WoW too much my blog slang wasn't up to date

Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

wish i would have had wikipedia when i was 9yrs old and didnt know what a queer was...
Nait said:
wish i would have had wikipedia when i was 9yrs old and didnt know what a queer was...

I LOL'd at this. This is one of the best threads i have read in awhile. Loves you allz.
Naturaltalnt said:
Clearly are thank feature is being used properly. :D

Also ... odd thread is odd.

PS: Rip, when is the baby shower? :rolleyes:

We had it last month, sorry you weren't invited.
well, today i have some bad news and some good news

the bad news is that i didn't won the pre-paid because the 32th comment won it... :(

the good news is that drayner has made a new site Drayner World :)

too bad there is nothing there except a picture... we are looking forward for new stuffs there like a forum or a blog... or a place with contests that are won by his best friends hahaha
well, yes, i have the option to leave at any time, but I advice that the site should change name from "" in ""

and about new twinks - no one will ever make a twink after 3.20

all the twinks will be just the old ones... like punkers...

in 1-2 years we will make clips on youtube with the title "twinks are not dead"

Those were the days... OMG. I loved this guy.
He made a bold prediction here too... after 3.2 nobody will twink anymore!\

Edit 1: And... YES... I did go there, I did necro a 3+ year old thread for the lols.
Edit 2: This other, locked thread had some awesome quotes from the past and one of my favorite post I made...

BE NICE. Relax on the epeen flexing.

No eThuggery.
No Douchebaggery.
Last edited:
This one's an interesting necro. :)

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