How not to lose your account


Guild Master
1. Don't respond to any Blizzard emails, even if they are from or

2. Don't go to any website that comes from an unknown email.

3. Don't accept any programs, from anyone, if they are not from or directly.

4. Don't run WoW itself without an AV (in case you have already been infected.)

5. Don't be an idiot.

If you get hacked, follow what Blizzard tells you, no we cannot help you. Your account, if stolen, will be stolen on Friday to make you wait 3 days to get it back, possibly more.
6. Buy an authenticator for like $6. Note: this will work a heck of alot better if you dont have a account giving the hacker your email info so they can easily disable the authenticator from your account, this is one reason not to get a account, but even if you have one this still helps :)

7. dont go to any website's spelled out in dead human's/trolls.
Morroz said:
6. Buy an authenticator for like $6. Note: this will work a heck of alot better if you dont have a account giving the hacker your email info so they can easily disable the authenticator from your account, this is one reason not to get a account, but even if you have one this still helps :)

ill take my battle bot instead
Morroz said:
6. Buy an authenticator for like $6. Note: this will work a heck of alot better if you dont have a account giving the hacker your email info so they can easily disable the authenticator from your account, this is one reason not to get a account, but even if you have one this still helps :)

7. dont go to any website's spelled out in dead human's/trolls.

How can they disable your authenticator from your account unless they have your authenticator code? Or are you saying that you can log in there with your password only and disable the authenticator? If so, I'll be giving away a couple of authenticators when they get here...that is simply ridiculous.

Another idea: Make up a ridiculously difficult password and keep it in a notepad file on your desktop. Copy/paste it to log in, never type it. In fact, I don't type it the first time...I copy/paste a word from a website, then copy/paste random numbers into the word. I end up with a unique, unguessable password that has never been typed so it can't be keylogged.
Bebetta said:
Another idea: Make up a ridiculously difficult password and keep it in a notepad file on your desktop. Copy/paste it to log in, never type it. In fact, I don't type it the first time...I copy/paste a word from a website, then copy/paste random numbers into the word. I end up with a unique, unguessable password that has never been typed so it can't be keylogged.

Keylogged doesn't literally mean JUST keylogging. Copying and pasting is the same as typing. No normal keylogger these days doesn't come without a clipboard logger.
Bebetta said:
How can they disable your authenticator from your account unless they have your authenticator code? Or are you saying that you can log in there with your password only and disable the authenticator? If so, I'll be giving away a couple of authenticators when they get here...that is simply ridiculous.

Another idea: Make up a ridiculously difficult password and keep it in a notepad file on your desktop. Copy/paste it to log in, never type it. In fact, I don't type it the first time...I copy/paste a word from a website, then copy/paste random numbers into the word. I end up with a unique, unguessable password that has never been typed so it can't be keylogged.

If you have the email of the account (which would be keylogged with everything else) it's not very hard to convince a GM to take off the authetnicator, i read lot's of article's about it, it certianly make's it much harder though!
Bebetta said:
Another idea: Make up a ridiculously difficult password and keep it in a notepad file on your desktop. Copy/paste it to log in, never type it. In fact, I don't type it the first time...I copy/paste a word from a website, then copy/paste random numbers into the word. I end up with a unique, unguessable password that has never been typed so it can't be keylogged.

Doesn't do a damn thing. lol
one way to mess with keyloggers is to throw in random letters while typing then remove them with a few backspaces.

e.g password = huntard

type hu421<backspace*3>ntard

which the logger will record as hu421ntard.

of course you should be using random combinations of characters making it that much harder to pick out.

edit: small grammer fix.
Good keyloggers record backspaces and special commands.
Key loggers generally dont register how many letters are deleted though, just the fact that you pressed backspace. You could type lolpassss3820229[hold down backspace]word or something, and you should be fairly safe.

Or, you could just not do something stupid in the first place, and save yourself the trouble of dealing with keyloggers.
Get a proper PC with some proper anti virus, and NEVER EVER give your email, your accountname, dont even have your account info on your computer...

Use different email as for everything you got.

Its easy not to be affected by a keylogger, just dont be stupid?
I don't have an AV and have never had PC troubles. Just don't be stupid.
i just lost my account yesturaday

password scaner... :(

i have sent an email for pas recover but they aren t sending me the new password
Touye said:
Get a proper PC with some proper anti virus, and NEVER EVER give your email, your accountname, dont even have your account info on your computer...

Use different email as for everything you got.

Its easy not to be affected by a keylogger, just dont be stupid?

I'm using my mail for over 3 years with the same pass, registering it on every site I go, was downloading different shit a year ago when I didn't know about keyloggers, typing it on my friends' PCs, and not a single pass change or hack :)

Rapt0R said:

I'm using my mail for over 3 years with the same pass, registering it on every site I go, was downloading different shit a year ago when I didn't know about keyloggers, typing it on my friends' PCs, and not a single pass change or hack :)

Same here.
no i have a virus that scans what i write when i am entering wow

got hacked a trial account months ago and i knew i have the virus but i forgot stupid ...

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