I've seen this fairly often. It's usually the half dozen or so people who start thinking they're l33t (lol) and don't bother to cultivate the newer or less known people in the guild. As long as they have enough to get their little premade going they don't care - like they can't stand to take some losses helping out others, or not topping meters every match. Or the GM and officers are MIA most of the time, or don't respond. And comms/voice? Haha
And let's be honest, some of them like hiding the fact that they're using various scripts/hacks with their buddies.
If you thought Rated is bad, IME twinks are some of the most self-centered, insular twats in the game.
While I understand what you're saying, it's not a good players job to make all the bad players around them good.
When I first started WoW, much like anyone else, I was awful. There were like 15 abilities by the time you were level 19 and so many other little things you had to learn that most players that started ~3-5 years ago never really had to experience in the current games state. You know what pushed me to get better? Elitist players.
They were the best the bracket had to offer and even though they were assholes to new comers and bad players, that's who I aspired to be like. I paid attention to them, studied their gameplay habits. Watched their YouTube videos, watched their YouTube videos again. Watched MORE YouTube videos, but players from high lee brackets or end game. I learned to distinguish the traits in their gameplay that made them good. I strived to emulate that, started refining my own gameplay.
Over time, I got better, and they recognized me for that by not treating me like shit, they accepted me.
The point here is that, it's not OUR job to make you(or anyone) a better player. That's YOUR job. Follow in the footsteps of all the good twinks that came before you, and stop expecting a handout from the people who took the steps necessary to get where they are today.