Much like Crusader and double 15 Agi, you're making wrong choices by going on the most populated (PVP) realm. And yeah I have two, have had two since forever. We have over 40 AGM's in our Guild and at least five people have two of them. I don't think it's an achievement at all.
The reason you don't see people with them is because nobody wears 2x AGM at start of BG. The only time it swaps is when both Isignia and Recomb are on cooldown, which doesn't happen that often, let alone when someone is inspecting you.
It is on Firemaw. Trust me. When you need 30-40 people and you barely can get one chest.
Not that often? Really? I have it as standard at start but if you watch my stream I use both ALOT. Both Insignia and Recomb have a 5 min CD so I can switch more then 10-15 times in a game depending on how long the game is (and they seem to be getting even longer and longer).
why are you flexing that you rolled on an awful server for 19 twinking? hf getting fishing gear
Because unlike you I like a challenge and being on a really big server. So yeah, I actually look forward to that! Imagine not even being able to wpvp and kill ppl twice your lvl - that's half the fun as a twink. Yikes.