How much $ have you spent on wow?

*None; my roomates pay for my WoW, gold that I illegally purchase/receive and front the ebay currency that I require to purchase fancy tabards and/or TCG loot mounts/novelty items. I pay off said front by doing chores around the house; like shoveling the driveway, mowing the lawn, shaving my dads back etc..

May 2007-now: 67 months * $15 = $1005
4 expansions * $40 = $160
15 server transfers *$25 = $375
2 faction changes *$30 = $60
Total = $1600

That doesn't include hardware and software costs I spent in support of playing WoW.

Now, I ask you this. How much time have you spent playing WoW? Divide your total number of hours /played by the total amount of money you spent, to get a money-per-hour cost.

I think you'll find that one, the cost-per-hour of WoW is extraordinarily low. Two...your time is the real cost. You can always make more money. If you're going to spend your time on something, make sure it is worth your *time*.


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