How many cancellations would it take...

ok i don't know about you guys, but doing 20-25 daily to me takes about an hour... that's with epic flyer... don't know about you guys... but i hate doing quests ! i hate doing the same things over and over again all day long. so an hour is about all i give when it comes to making money and my daillies are all i will do. as grinding mining or herbalism is just plain boring ! think i'm the only thinking like that, guess again...

now i want you to put yourself in the shoes of a new player...

that new polayer has a level 40 character and none others, i repeat none others !

thus he cannot make the money by doing dailies and at his level the money by quest is far from sufficient. let's also say that he got his 30g for his mount at 30. so now he wants to level his priest. holy priest, takes him hell to do and thus want to pay to respec shadow.... to his demise it s gonna cost him another 10g. after a few quest here and there a few long wait on farming he has the gold and do respec... a few days later he is asked to heal, he wants to respec again but now its 15g which do not have.

hope you guys catch my drift here...

what'S the primary reason for us to use the dual spec to begin with ?

reason: because we have enough of paying 100g each fucking hours just to respec between those things...

you say 300g i shouldn't be draining it that fast... heck just in respec for my healer it costes me that much per day ! in the end... those low level will just never use it... those new players will not have that choice, they will be stuck using only 1 spec until they have a way higher level to back up their money.

what i say is, blizz you screwed up big time here... if ya wanted it to stay for 80, you should have done so and not making it go down to 40 ! i'd say dual spec for level 40 shouldn't be lower then 2-3 hundreds... but it sure as hell cannot be 1k !

right now, what i'm saying is that blizz added this cause we asked it, it was all fine...

until we all saw the price !

figures that if you are part of those who already had the money to respec every hours... of course you're not gonna complain. but we're far more that cannot make big money... and dual spec was designed for us to save that precious money. took me 3 weeks to get my epic flyer and on that someone loaned me 1.5k which i had to repay... which took me another week. now i gotta start back... how can i fund my twink if my money goes away at that speed ?

i hate farming...

i love PVP, i love playing PVE in dungeons with my friends.

but i hate solo play, it just sucks badly and this game isn't made for that !

that was my point.
ArthurianKnight said:
ok i don't know about you guys, but doing 20-25 daily to me takes about an hour... that's with epic flyer... don't know about you guys... but i hate doing quests ! i hate doing the same things over and over again all day long. so an hour is about all i give when it comes to making money and my daillies are all i will do. as grinding mining or herbalism is just plain boring ! think i'm the only thinking like that, guess again...

well, that's how it has always been.

now i want you to put yourself in the shoes of a new player...

that new polayer has a level 40 character and none others, i repeat none others !

thus he cannot make the money by doing dailies and at his level the money by quest is far from sufficient. let's also say that he got his 30g for his mount at 30. so now he wants to level his priest. holy priest, takes him hell to do and thus want to pay to respec shadow.... to his demise it s gonna cost him another 10g. after a few quest here and there a few long wait on farming he has the gold and do respec... a few days later he is asked to heal, he wants to respec again but now its 15g which do not have.

what else is new?!

that's how this game has always been. if a person just joined the game they're going to lag behind until they get gold flow going. that level 80 with 5 toons has probably worked really hard to get all of his gold and items, and has earned it. that level 40 that just joined the game has not earned it yet though. he has to work for it. it's how this game has always been, and if you're going to complain about it after 3.1 i'm not sure why you weren't complaining about it pre-3.1.

hope you guys catch my drift here...

what'S the primary reason for us to use the dual spec to begin with ?

reason: because we have enough of paying 100g each fucking hours just to respec between those things...

just an fyi, the first few respecs cost very few gold (it's like 1, 5, 10, etc).

you say 300g i shouldn't be draining it that fast... heck just in respec for my healer it costes me that much per day ! in the end... those low level will just never use it... those new players will not have that choice, they will be stuck using only 1 spec until they have a way higher level to back up their money.

and everyone else has been too, including the rich bastards. for FIVE YEARS some people have dealt with having to constantly respec and constantly not have dual spec.

what i say is, blizz you screwed up big time here... if ya wanted it to stay for 80, you should have done so and not making it go down to 40 ! i'd say dual spec for level 40 shouldn't be lower then 2-3 hundreds... but it sure as hell cannot be 1k !

but if you level your character to 80, you will have saved gold and thus it would be unfair to the 80s who paid hundreds more for their dual specs.

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