How many cancellations would it take...


Sorry if this sounds like another QQ thread. I understand that things change and we need to adjust, but just as a hypothetical exercise, I was wondering how many cancellations it would take from people saying "yeah I am canceling my account because I am tired of the lack of attention/nerfs to twinks," before For Blizzard would tell themselves "alright, this is not a good idea, we're isolating/pushing away too many customers."

I mean theoretically, there would come a point when any business would tell themselves, "no, we cannot lose X amount of customers" and will just appease what they want, or am I wrong in thinking that? I mean if they were to lose say, 100 people, they would probably say, fuck it, $1500.00 isn't anything to us. However, if they were to lose 10,000 players that would be $150,000.00 a month they would lose, and while still not significant to them in the overall picture, I am sure that would get their attention.

So how many monthly subscription cancellations do you think it would take for Blizzard to give in and say, fine, we will change the twink nerfs, or give you more twink gear/enchants/content, etc.?




Blizzard would never give in the the demands of a group regardless of their numbers?

Sorry I didn't know how to make a poll or I would have. Maybe only mods can make them, but feel free to change this to a poll if you can anybody.
Luka said:
100,000 out of 12 Million and rising

0.83 (repeating of course) %.

That's almost a percent of their player base. That would cause attention.
1.500.000$ isn't still a number you want to lose. Or it could be just thoughts of a man that never had so much :p.
blizz thinks in terms of the annual income, not just a singular month.

take all your numbers and multiply them by 12.
Blizzard is sooooo slow about changing things as it is. They just enjoy creating time sinks for the game now. They do not intend on doing anything even with 100k drop. It would have to be a 100k drop WITH that reason. The squeeky wheel gets the grease and the wow boards are just a QQ post factory where people complain more about us then we do of them. I do not see it happening. Good wish though.
18 million sounds like a lot to an individual, but not necessarily a company. especially when the changes are good for most people who aren't twinks :p

The thing is, the majority of the people who say "FVCK U BLIZZARD I QUIT!"...


And have no intention of doing so.

They're angry, sure. But most are just doing so for the sake of making change. Blizzard will call this bluff (and it is a bluff) every single time.

"Screw you guys, I'm going home" is all fine and good but Cartman always comes back...

Of the 100,000 that say they'll quit maybe 20-30% would actually go through and stick with it.

So you'd need 4-5x that number to hop on your bandwagon.

I've known about 14 people over the years that have quit for the express reason that they felt under-represented in regards of balance and the changes to the state of their preferred method of play and all but 1 have come back to the game, most within a couple weeks.

That sample set is ridiculously small and nothing of real substance can be gleaned from it (most likely I just have weak-willed friends) but I can't help but think it's close to being a correct assumption.

World of Warcraft is a crazy exciting game and even after all these years it's still expanding and getting better. Player subscriptions are ever growing and as soon as China figures it's sh!t out, there's another 500k+.

I'm certain that Activision-Blizzard (or just Blizzard, I have no idea how Corporate figures) follows active/deactive subscription trends and this mass exodus you seem to be trying to plan is going to have to take those numbers into account.
Megumi said:
This patch gave me reason to reactivate. I'm sure there's probably others like me.

Same i quit for 3 months and came back due to 3.1 so i wold have something new to play with. Personally i've twinked pre bc so all this QQ i can't use my op buff or leg enc makes me laugh a little. Deal with what ya got and still have fun. Just cause you can't have 2700 hp and own everyone don't mean twinking isn't fun :p
i completely agree to that, yet some things are still bugged and it sucks...

hunters with 40 haste to their weapon si great, too great its OP ! same with crits, this is something not anyone can get. think of casters in this matter !

same with exorcism at 49... even if you can hold your own for a few shots, you still instant lost 50% of your health in one blow !

aside fromt hat everything is fine i think, good players in PVP will find a way to to be just that, usefull in the BG. being usefull means you actually help your team win reguardless of the odds in which you are in !

i won't quit because of a few bugs...

but i do think blizzard as it all wrong now a days... 1000g for a level 40 to get dual spec.... now that's fucked up ! i mean not everyone on this game makes thousands of gold every day. i for one does the daily each days or so i'm trying and i do like 200g each day... i'm not gonna farm for hours on end like many does... i'm not the kind of player who likes to just fly around and mine or herb till the night comes. but blizzard seems to think every player reguardless of level seem to do millions per weeks !

come on.. give us ways to do money, but get the things over priced... am i the only one here seeing this as completely lame ?

that's about the only thing i find blizzard as not so good for.

but i don't think you're little uproar like this will be enough.

there is one thing you should also consider...

options from blizzard, there is more options to them then just lose the money and be forced to hear ya out.

here is a few of them...

1) they actually hear you out and helps in solving the situation.

2) they just ignore your plea and go on with it.

3) they ignore you, ignore the lost of money and find new income somewhere else. <-- This one is most likely to be true

4) they just prepare for the next game and abandon this one all of a suddenth. <- don't laugh i seen companies do this often.

and if you don'T beleive me on these... think for yourself... DiabloIII is coming and so is STARCRAFT II two of the most popular games before WoW ever came and they were able to live with those 2 only for years before WoW came in. so ditching wow for those 2 new games will not make them flinch. the comany is up and running and even if you decide to pull out too much player, int he end you might simply kill the game and all the other players around the world.

i do agree, this is worst case scenario and worst case barely ever happens.

but i'm just saying options here !
Ran into a level 80 pre 3.1 got into a tiff about twinking, he couldn't comprehend why I did it (he started it). He then went on to say that if blizz didn't release new content soon he was going to quit.

IMO I think blizzard is more concerned about retaining the level 80toons because that is what makes the entire WoW economy work, if you didn't have high levels farming mats, providing dugeon runs or doing chants twinks would not exist (I can not think of a single person who has +22 int chant that is not level 80!).

After the encounter the guy sent me 50g in the mail out of pity that I had to twink. He said "for your twinking fund" LOL
ArthurianKnight said:
but i do think blizzard as it all wrong now a days... 1000g for a level 40 to get dual spec.... now that's fucked up ! i mean not everyone on this game makes thousands of gold every day. i for one does the daily each days or so i'm trying and i do like 200g each day... i'm not gonna farm for hours on end like many does... i'm not the kind of player who likes to just fly around and mine or herb till the night comes. but blizzard seems to think every player reguardless of level seem to do millions per weeks !

come on.. give us ways to do money, but get the things over priced... am i the only one here seeing this as completely lame ?

you have a choice now. either respec for 50g, or dual spec for 1000g. you don't HAVE to choose dual spec.
1000g for a level 40 to get dual spec.... now that's fucked up ! i mean not everyone on this game makes thousands of gold every day.

Remember also, the dual specs were originally only intended for the level 80s.

After much bitching & moaning from players it was reduced to level 40.

Like a lot of things in this game, it's a nice thing to have, but by no means necessary.

i for one does the daily each day



come on.. give us ways to do money

See what you did there?
Druid: i do understand that... but they got the mount from 40 to 30 and even reduced the gold needed to buy it. that was it, that was the way to go. now all you can ask from dual spec for people who are new and want it to level and be usefull in both specs needs to absolutely have a main with lots of money ! that was my point.

not thinking of those who are used to playing this, i'm refering to those who are barely starting and wish to be dual specced... they have no way to gain 1000g to get it, thus their options are non-existent !

Juke: read correctly and entirely please... i said, "Come on give us ways to do money and then get it off by raising the cost of everything" to me that is simply coming back to the start, we didn't get anything from that !

just like in real life...

i'm gonna raise your salary from 100 to 200, but every one of your bill with double too.

you're not gonna get anything better, it all comes back to the same amount of work for the same amount of money ! that'S what i was saying.

exemple again...

back in BC i was doing about 100g a day for a mount that costed 5k

now i do 300g a day, for amount that costes 15k

100g x3 = 300

5k x3 = 15k

see, we got nothing right there !
look at it this way arthurianknight

dual speccing is a new feature. but you don't have to delve into it. you can do what you did before. nothing changed, so it doesn't really matter.

sure, someone wishes to be dual specced and they can't be, but they can still do it the way that everyone else has been doing it for 5 years.

it's like keeping your salary the same and your bills the same, while other people choose to do theirs differently. it just gives people with gold more options, and people with less gold the SAME options that have been given for every single patch leading up to 3.1 (assuming the cost of respecs has remained the same all these years)
Your example doesn't really make any sense unless what you're saying is that you spend upwards of 300g a day, to which I say stop spending all your gold...

You earn 300g a day doing dailies. Send all that gold to a bank alt. You've now netted 300g and your main (on which you do your dailies) now has no gold so you can't spend it.

Repeat the next day, mail off your gold. etcetc


spend less gold.

Seriously, if you make 300g a day, 1000g will take you just over 4 days.

I can't believe you would complain over that...
ArthurianKnight said:
Druid: i do understand that... but they got the mount from 40 to 30 and even reduced the gold needed to buy it. that was it, that was the way to go. now all you can ask from dual spec for people who are new and want it to level and be usefull in both specs needs to absolutely have a main with lots of money ! that was my point.

not thinking of those who are used to playing this, i'm refering to those who are barely starting and wish to be dual specced... they have no way to gain 1000g to get it, thus their options are non-existent !

Juke: read correctly and entirely please... i said, "Come on give us ways to do money and then get it off by raising the cost of everything" to me that is simply coming back to the start, we didn't get anything from that !

just like in real life...

i'm gonna raise your salary from 100 to 200, but every one of your bill with double too.

you're not gonna get anything better, it all comes back to the same amount of work for the same amount of money ! that'S what i was saying.

exemple again...

back in BC i was doing about 100g a day for a mount that costed 5k

now i do 300g a day, for amount that costes 15k

100g x3 = 300

5k x3 = 15k

see, we got nothing right there !

You're only doing 300g?

I get 100g from Argent Tournament, 100g from sons of hodir, 50g from Argent Crusade ones, 50g from Daily HC (25 from q, 25 from trash), Warsong PvP dailys in Grizzly Hills 50g, money from trash and professions = another 50-75g.

Money is too easy at 80. Healers can also solo/duo onxyia
I think another thing that is being somewhat ignored about the "making money" side of things is that Blizzard encourages you to level, by making the quests pay out more money as you go. From level 70 to level 80, you can easily make upwards of 1800-2100 gold from quest rewards and selling off unused item rewards (unless you're an enchanter- then, well you're kind screwed).

Also, your salary is inaccurate- you may be making double your “salary,” but you are choosing to increase your bills.

Your mount example is worse- while epic flying was 5K, you could make arguments for it to be a requirement, as it increased your productivity by adding speed. You’re comparing that to a 15K Tundra mount that, in reality, is a totally separate animal. You better analogy would be to compare epic flying (5K) with cold weather flying (1K), but since it disproves your point, I can see why you avoided it.

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