How laughable 85 is :3


So after taking a good 6 month break from 85's... which was in a semi good state.

Queue 1 bg....

Every living soul with BOE MOP gear.. and sunlutes everywhere.

So end up getting gy farmed, everyone getting 1 shot by backpeddlers and clicking, so on forth.

Cheers to zayne and soylent and everyone else who calls this a twink bracket. Glad to see this 1 shot bracket suites you.

/end rant.
nice rant.
and yes after baseline resi and itemscale in bg's the bracket has gone to quite the shit, but not more than others imo.. -19's look semi the same tho-
if you think bg's are bursty dont do arena.
go right ahead and enjoy some world pvp, killing 90's is good fun
So after taking a good 6 month break from 85's... which was in a semi good state.

Queue 1 bg....

Every living soul with BOE MOP gear.. and sunlutes everywhere.

So end up getting gy farmed, everyone getting 1 shot by backpeddlers and clicking, so on forth.

Cheers to zayne and soylent and everyone else who calls this a twink bracket. Glad to see this 1 shot bracket suites you.

/end rant.
View attachment 2556 buff balance please.


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My DK is fully twinked out with a sun-lute...I havent upgraded it to 491 yet, but doing 3 BGs tonight here are my observations:

Blood is good if I can get a freaking healer to heal me...hard to take me down 1 on 1 unless you are a hunter.
Frost...thought Oblit crits would take half someone's hps...not really most 50-60k...can't really line up the perfect dump with bg lag etc. Wasn't too impressed.

Hunters...they top the chars like mofos. My main is a hunter and I know i can dish out the damage PVE, but seeing as they just almost never go down is crazy and they hit HARD...way harder than I can with a DK and sun-lute.

Horde side US, almost never any healers. I hit up oQue, of course no one doing 85s on there so figures why we got raped.

Not sure if I should get a hunter up to 85 or just say screw it and pvp with my 90 hunter...

Can't stand how much root/fear/stun is in the game :( It can explain why I haven't pvp'd much. At least my DK with the sun-lute can solo some nice shit pve and I know those hunters could only dream to do the same :p
Are we playing the same game?

Well if you are playing a ret sun lute is going to hit HARD. With my DK, if I am in blood, I can hit hard but I cannot spam death strike or rune strike in the same way a hunter can hit me with 40-60k arcane crits over and over again...and then they have kill yeah they overall were hitting harder then me. As frost, Oblit strikes weren't doing what i thought they would...

Looking at total damage, the top was a hunter with over 10million more damage then anyone else. Yeah maybe that is an outlier, but same MoP gearing, just while I have to run up to people and I get shit on they do their hit, disengage bullshit and run around without dying as much.
Hunters do more damage only because they are ranged dd, while playing ret/dk/war u got to catch all stuns/fears, etc., so it is much more harder to survive, especially w/o a healer (95% cases if u r playing with random ppl).
I am doing about 170-200k burst crits (in 40% resil) with verdict w/o lute and i'm pretty sure that frost dk can do the same. And thanx God that 9/10 hunters just spam arcaneshots and die after disengage.
Trust me, dk with lute is a killing machine if u know what to do, just try more bgs and u'll se.
yep thats true. Most hunters here really dont know how to play. Saw couple who just spec bm and let pet do dmg while hunter is same time using dete lol. But really, my melee classes i can win every decent player in 1v1, and doesnt matter what class is it. Buut, dont get that ,''im god and all others suck''. Thats the true, if u have some knowledge about ur class that bracet not thar hard what i read over here
what we really need to post on forums about is that they shuld'nt make the "80's panda gear mistake" again with 6.0..
dont expect to many changes to low lvl's in 5.x.. they have allready changed alot...

i hope they wont bring some blue items over sun-lute .)
Imho nearly every bracket has been a joke since the resi change, i sincerely hope that 5.4 might patch things up a bit, but i doubt it will make a huge difference.
Well played hunters are nearing godmode atm, only way to die is if people gangrape you or have someone tunneling you with a pockethealer vs hunter alone.
Last 2 games played:

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I can agree with hunters having to good dmg compared to skill rec. but recently got my DK to 85 and doing ok in BG's so far as frost dw. Sun-Lute won't happen I guess, as playing on FullScale with way to many looking for it atm...
Anyway, with cd's I can burst anyone down pretty fast with the Mantid Sky Reaver x2.
Obliterater @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft
Still working on the transmog Judgement Armor (Recolor) for starters, but looking for improvements in that area.
I find the Bracket to be playable, fun at times, balanced no. 5.4 will change things.

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