How is the 19 bracket?

I play a fury warrior, and it's fun as hell. I've beaten priests, holy pallies, hunters resto shams and warlocks in duels. I've lose consistently to mages and rogues(only classes I've dueled so far. Bloodthirst crits for 400ish, heroic strike 500ish. If you get crusader proc, bloodthirst will crit for 700.(happened vs. a balance druid) In deadmines i had both my weapons proc and got a 1138 BT crit. Piercing howl is very nice.Overall I love the changes as a warrior, but we could really use blood rage and shield bash. Just adapt and you will have fun.
What the hell are you guys on with warrior damage being bad? At the moment it is huge. Bloodthirst scales from 75% of AP now. HS hits even harder. I have thrown out several 1000+ executes (1300 highest so far), HS over 1000 and 7-800 damage BTs. Warrs have lost a lot of things but damage certainly isn't one of them.
imo, come back and try your warr out exam, and if you don't like it, play your rogue or other classes :)
plobb said:
What the hell are you guys on with warrior damage being bad? At the moment it is huge. Bloodthirst scales from 75% of AP now. HS hits even harder. I have thrown out several 1000+ executes (1300 highest so far), HS over 1000 and 7-800 damage BTs. Warrs have lost a lot of things but damage certainly isn't one of them.

they're just ignorant and obviously don't have a warrior. :rolleyes:
I don't know about every other warrior but mine is wrecking everyone! I'm fury spec and I stomp almost every rogue! The sub rogues suck if they don't 1 shot you:p It's worth coming back! Much different but I'd say much more fun!
I agree with Missboom etc. , warriors are still very competitive in the 19s. The trick is to know how to balance all the instant attacks you have, and use Piercing Howl as you would Hamstring.

That being said, the only viable spec for warriors is Fury. Ive tried all three, and without any slow effect - your doomed.

There is only a couple drawbacks that you will have to get used to, at least for the next month or so:

- sub. rogues have the capability to "one shot" us, once every 20 sec, and 9/10 they succeed.

- Even with an Elixir of Minor Accuracy, the gear available to us puts us way below the soft hit cap (unless you wear leather BoA bleh) . . . around 15% chance to miss (white dmg). Making rage harder to achieve.

But i gotta say, give me a good healer watching my back - and my warrior is still a wrecking machine.

P.S. pissed off about how much my white damage misses while duel-wielding. Thinking about 2h in Fury spec. ill start a topic . . .
Even with an Elixir of Minor Accuracy, the gear available to us puts us way below the soft hit cap (unless you wear leather BoA bleh) . . . around 15% chance to miss (white dmg). Making rage harder to achieve

Actually the hit "soft cap" is easy to achieve at its at 5%, when your yellows dont miss anymore (or 7% if you like for the nelfs) what is hard to achieve is the hard cap of 24%, which is pretty unreachable at all levels and isnt really needed, even with that 19% miss chance which soft cap leaves youll do more white dmg than a 2h spec. Personally, I dont find rage to be a problem.

Also viability of other warrior spec highly depends about where are you playing. For example at 3v3/5v5/10v10 I can easily see arms/prot being viable for the perks they bring, you just need a buddy with a slow.

And as said in other threads the dmg isnt the problem with warriors, we do awesome dmg, but still I claim we were better off pre patch, we lost pretty much all of our utility, disarm/shield block/shield bash/shouts. Now we are easy to kill and easy to cc and its maybe even harder than before to kill a decent healer on your own.
sorry i was typing fast, yes I ment hard cap - its ridiculous.

how do u figure we do more white damage duelwielding with 19% to miss than a 2h with 0% to miss either way. Just my basic reasoning skills tells me that 2h would be more efficient. - not to mention the increase in stats from the BoA axe. am i just not getting it?


The difference with rogues duelwielding and us - is they dont need to hit their target to regain energy. we do. . . sigh, just a bloodrage ability would be enough to compensate...
Well its quite simple, equip a 2h and check your melee tab (mine says 54.6) then equip your 1h weapons (52.2/32.2) and then do the math. 54.6 vs (52.2+32.2)*0.81=68,36 (my 2h was bar and 1hs bar/razor's). Theres really not that much of a stat gain, 20ap+2hit vs 12ap+6crit+10sta, before taking in losing 15stre for slightly more crusader procs)

We dont not suck completely but we are definitely in alot worse situation in relation to the other classes.
Theme said:
We dont not suck completely but we are definitely in alot worse situation in relation to the other classes.

I'd say the same thing about locks, but im too buys 1 shotting the leveling bgs on my leveling rogue... :3
Came back from hols today; and just reading through the posts; and im grateful for the responses.

Ill try it out i guess but if it does end up leaving a bitter after-taste of what i loved about twinking before then i think ill try end game.

Few questions : What is the hit cap for 19s now?

How would a fury with sword and shield do?

Is the 39 bracket active?
examinerEU said:
What is the hit cap for 19s now?

There's a huge sticky thread about hit

examinerEU said:
Is the 39 bracket active?

Would probably get better answers on the 39-bracket board ;)

Alltho I think every bracket will be active with the battlegroup merge and all...
lol true, my apologies late flight ^^
Twinking is active, but it's not competitive right now. I would suggest waiting until Cataclysm when the bugs are fixed, skills are correctly balanced, and the battlegroups are merged. Once this happens twinking will be more active, balanced, and competitive with the birth of new guilds and premades starting up again.
examinerEU said:
How would a fury with sword and shield do?

You do about as much damage as prepatch, the only downside is that you have lost all of your defensive CDs so it's harder to outlast an opponent. The plus side of running around with a shield on is that ambush hits like a feather (relatively speaking).

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