How I Plan To Use Veteran F2P Account Status

Something to keep in mind, some greens (possibly blues, unsure) that were grandfathered are now available through garrisons. There's a chance of them dropping from a box, so it's not fixed mob loot tables. This pretty much is general knowledge by now but I figure most F2Ps have no idea about it. Items like Black Widow Band, Tarantula Silk Stash, and many others are now commonly available again (and somewhat cheap).

I bought two of the silk stashes, not sure what they scale too but didn't want to miss out on them at 200g each if they were bis later.
Something to keep in mind, some greens (possibly blues, unsure) that were grandfathered are now available through garrisons. There's a chance of them dropping from a box, so it's not fixed mob loot tables. This pretty much is general knowledge by now but I figure most F2Ps have no idea about it. Items like Black Widow Band, Tarantula Silk Stash, and many others are now commonly available again (and somewhat cheap).

I bought two of the silk stashes, not sure what they scale too but didn't want to miss out on them at 200g each if they were bis later.
And we can all be lumberjacks!
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Something to keep in mind, some greens (possibly blues, unsure) that were grandfathered are now available through garrisons. There's a chance of them dropping from a box, so it's not fixed mob loot tables. This pretty much is general knowledge by now but I figure most F2Ps have no idea about it. Items like Black Widow Band, Tarantula Silk Stash, and many others are now commonly available again (and somewhat cheap).

I bought two of the silk stashes, not sure what they scale too but didn't want to miss out on them at 200g each if they were bis later.

A guy last night confirmed he got Drakewing Bands from a salvage crate.

Seems rare world drops are in the loot table as well.
And we can all be lumberjacks!
Not only that but many more mog options than before like Bluegill Sandals, Dark Runner Boots, Ruffian Belt, Raven's Claws. Basically, anything you ever wanted in mogit, only to find it was no longer available is available.

A guy last night confirmed he got Drakewing Bands from a salvage crate.

Seems rare world drops are in the loot table as well.
That's interesting! I found this on the page for Big Crate of Salvage.

Wowhead said:
Big Crate of Salvage is a reward from 95+ missions at the Level 3 Salvage Yard. It has a 100% chance to be rewarded from level 100 missions. It can contain transmog items that resemble boosted character gear, follower weapon and armor tokens, and BoEs from every expansion including low-level transmog items and ilvl 665 current items.
The confirmations of both Drakewing Bands and an old ring only found in the old version of The Stockades, leads me to believe not only are items like Walking Boots available this way but also things like Ring of Precision. The vast amount of possible items and the natural rarity of blue boes makes it really rare but I think it's possible. Either-way, it's a really cool idea by Blizzard and makes a lot of people happy in regards to old gear not being available.

Tarantula Silk Sash scales to 5 armor / 3 Intellect / 13 Stamina, for those curious :eek:
Not only that but many more mog options than before like Bluegill Sandals, Dark Runner Boots, Ruffian Belt, Raven's Claws. Basically, anything you ever wanted in mogit, only to find it was no longer available is available.

That's interesting! I found this on the page for Big Crate of Salvage.

The confirmations of both Drakewing Bands and an old ring only found in the old version of The Stockades, leads me to believe not only are items like Walking Boots available this way but also things like Ring of Precision. The vast amount of possible items and the natural rarity of blue boes makes it really rare but I think it's possible. Either-way, it's a really cool idea by Blizzard and makes a lot of people happy in regards to old gear not being available.

Tarantula Silk Sash scales to 5 armor / 3 Intellect / 13 Stamina, for those curious :eek:

Old stockades ring is "renegade ring" I believe, I think it's level 20 but I have one on an eu realm lol
There has been conversation that an F2P can upgrade to the Battlechest for five dollars, spend the free month earning additional benefits for their F2P, and then lapse back into Starter Account status again, known colloquially as "Veteran F2P" status.

This smell awfully alot like an attempt of implementing freemium into wow
Something to keep in mind, some greens (possibly blues, unsure) that were grandfathered are now available through garrisons. There's a chance of them dropping from a box, so it's not fixed mob loot tables. This pretty much is general knowledge by now but I figure most F2Ps have no idea about it. Items like Black Widow Band, Tarantula Silk Stash, and many others are now commonly available again (and somewhat cheap).

I bought two of the silk stashes, not sure what they scale too but didn't want to miss out on them at 200g each if they were bis later.

Another new item for F2Ps is Fine Leather Pants (105 LW) scales to 15 stam 7 int.
This smell awfully alot like an attempt of implementing freemium into wow

The way freemium make their money is microtransactions. WoW already has microtransactions. They have no motivation to give up subs. The only way WoW will ever go freemium is when subs start drying up.
This smell awfully alot like an attempt of implementing freemium into wow

The point you're referring to is simply a side effect of what Blizzard's intention is: to draw back people with lapsed subs to chat with friends and hopefully resub. This would also explain why they are lifting the guild restriction and only the guild restriction.
The way freemium make their money is microtransactions. WoW already has microtransactions. They have no motivation to give up subs. The only way WoW will ever go freemium is when subs start drying up.
You clearly missed my point, which is understandable because I didn't explain myself properly. What I meant was that Blizzard is perhaps unintentionally motivating people to stop subscribing as they will now be able to log into their account and still play with the given restrictions - perhaps I'm wrong this could also motivate people to sub again, nonetheless my PoV stands on the "battlechest" part :)
My guess is they want people talking to their old guild mates and decide to sub again. Of course I know plenty of people that almost exclusively play 19s, and haven't even bothered leveling to 100 yet. I am wondering what they plan to do about XP off 19s. They can't want people playing 19s for free forever, and they can't want people to inadvertently level their 19s on 1 XP to 20 either. That would cause more complaints than F2P with XP off in 19s.

I'm hoping that if you had XP off when you were subbed, then you keep it off, and if you have XP on, you stay in XP on BGs at 20. During my last WoD trial, I went from 90 only BGs to 90-99 XP on, so it's not impossible for vet 20 to be XP on.
My guess is they want people talking to their old guild mates and decide to sub again. Of course I know plenty of people that almost exclusively play 19s, and haven't even bothered leveling to 100 yet. I am wondering what they plan to do about XP off 19s. They can't want people playing 19s for free forever, and they can't want people to inadvertently level their 19s on 1 XP to 20 either. That would cause more complaints than F2P with XP off in 19s.

I'm hoping that if you had XP off when you were subbed, then you keep it off, and if you have XP on, you stay in XP on BGs at 20. During my last WoD trial, I went from 90 only BGs to 90-99 XP on, so it's not impossible for vet 20 to be XP on.
I'll be home in 30 mins to find out
Just tested. 19s are XP on and the guy won't let me turn it off. Fairly sure he was XP off last time I logged out.

Edit: No more DKs either.
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Can someone else who has no doubt that had a 19 twink with xp locked(in your old account with no subscription active anymore for some time, at last) confirm that XP in your 19 twink is on again?
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You clearly missed my point, which is understandable because I didn't explain myself properly. What I meant was that Blizzard is perhaps unintentionally motivating people to stop subscribing as they will now be able to log into their account and still play with the given restrictions - perhaps I'm wrong this could also motivate people to sub again, nonetheless my PoV stands on the "battlechest" part :)

I understand your PoV. But I think if Blizzard was wanting freemium, the cap would be 60 or something and less restrictive overall. I doubt many who sub would be encouraged to unsub to play 20s , especially in a PvE oriented game.

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