How high can you be

my names soberlol

because i r nevr sober. ;>

amg selena gomez signature v
if you had shaman in your group he could put down sp totem, that would increase it by alot.

idk exactly how much but its like 20 or seomthing
fochixi said:
I haven't smoked in at least 7 years, but, I've always prefered it to alcohol.

Everything is more epic under the influence of weed. A trip around the corner for some ice cream becomes a quest rivaled only by solving Divinnci's Code or finding the Holy Grail. You can blink and it's a new day.......or you start talking about how this place reminds you of that school you all used to live by and suddenly you're transported there and have no idea where you were going and decide to go back home for an all night Mario Kart tourney. If you arrive early enough to the movies to see the previews, you feel as if you saw 6 movies before the feature even starts. You lose your inner voice and wonder if you just said that out loud becuse that guy playing street fighter is giving you dirty looks.

You should write blogs about this haha. Love how you put it mate, thumbs up :)

Steamed said:
if you had shaman in your group he could put down sp totem, that would increase it by alot.

idk exactly how much but its like 20 or seomthing


321 SP * 0.06 = 19.26 SP

321 SP + 19.26 SP = 340,26 SP ~ 340 SP.

Spot on :)
fochixi said:
I haven't smoked in at least 7 years, but, I've always prefered it to alcohol.

Everything is more epic under the influence of weed. A trip around the corner for some ice cream becomes a quest rivaled only by solving Divinnci's Code or finding the Holy Grail. You can blink and it's a new day.......or you start talking about how this place reminds you of that school you all used to live by and suddenly you're transported there and have no idea where you were going and decide to go back home for an all night Mario Kart tourney. If you arrive early enough to the movies to see the previews, you feel as if you saw 6 movies before the feature even starts. You lose your inner voice and wonder if you just said that out loud becuse that guy playing street fighter is giving you dirty looks.

Well said indeed mate, you just made my day. Just to prove what you're saying to be true: If you walk around the corner for some ice cream whilst drunk, chances are you might not even remember you did it, it will most definitely not be an epic quest, and assuming you didn't stumble off the curb and get hit by a car you will not be nearly as excited when you arrive at the ice cream vendor.
Remember that one guy who always got completely wrecked and couldn't quite play Mario Kart while under the influence. He was what we called " The Hand of Zeus." Because he was so far back he'd get nothing but lightning bolts. When you and your best friend get so smashed you decide it's a good idea to both play Medal of the same time. He works the directionals and you work the mouse. What's even crazier is that you do so well you get accused of hacking. Seperated at birth or crazy weed mind meld? You be the judge.

The best part about weed is that you don't get beer goggles. You're sure as hell not going to wake up next to some chick you thought looked like Chun Li, but, turns out looking more like Blanka. Because you probably joked that she looked like Blanka the night before and she either laughed it up with everyone or slapped you and you didn't feel it anyways. Either way you saved yourself a lifetime of ridicule.
augiddin said:
if u used a wisdom pot and mindthrust bracers you could get higher sp also shadow goggles and are you using 6 stats on inferno robes?

Wisdom pot=nerfed only gives 60 mana.Got mindthrust now and working on breaking the 400 line :).Shadow goggles and 6 stats is obivus... OFCOURSE I DO.


Steamed said:
if you had shaman in your group he could put down sp totem, that would increase it by alot.

idk exactly how much but its like 20 or seomthing

Ever notice this is self buffed :S?
Twinkypriest said:

You really expect to make a thread titled "How high can you be" and not have people talk about getting high? Oy...
Khanodruid said:
You really expect to make a thread titled "How high can you be" and not have people talk about getting high? Oy...

No i did not think this site was full of unmature kids... bet 9/3 of people in this tread never even smoked weed.
Lawlpurge said:
smoke weed errday. Having said that I was near my house in my friends car smoking a dutch with him and a plainclothes came over and arrested us. Got my super nice, expensive bowl taken, and a court appearance ticket, still haven't told parents yet but im not 18 so I doubt this will go on record. Feels bad, man :(

Does feels bad man :(

300th Toast in epic bread.
Twinkypriest said:
Hi i was wondering how high spellpower you guys can get (selfbuffed ofc ^^)

I managed to get

Actually this remind me of the old times somehov :) i didn't never had this much but anyway :O

And if no one want's to tell me then plz tell me the highest possible spellpower that you can get atm.


Only using Flametongue Totem/Weapons + Strength of Earth

No use of consumables or halloween goodies.
SSB64 said:

Only using Flametongue Totem/Weapons + Strength of Earth

No use of consumables or halloween goodies.

Ench shamans should not be allowed ingame...

How much ap you need for 1 sp?

You should kill the 500 line aswell :)
Twinkypriest said:
Ench shamans should not be allowed ingame...

How much ap you need for 1 sp?

You should kill the 500 line aswell :)

Thats using both max spell and AP gear with 2x spell power enchants, I could think of another maybe 40 spell I could get, if flametongue raised that over the 500 line then yeah I guess I could.

That was just taken for the screenshot, with my normal enhance gear its only around 280 spell.
SSB64 said:
Thats using both max spell and AP gear with 2x spell power enchants, I could think of another maybe 40 spell I could get, if flametongue raised that over the 500 line then yeah I guess I could.

That was just taken for the screenshot, with my normal enhance gear its only around 280 spell.

25+26+10+5 i think of another 66 sp you can get in like 2 mins ofc u can get more :)
Dutchman said:
u can also get 2 boa trinkets so an extra 14sp

Yes i'm working on them atm not so active but they require some sick justice points to get ><
Two +6 int trinkets would make it max.

edit: nevermind was mentioned above

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