so according to delindsay, we have 5% chance of getting TF gear from a box.
say, you are missing a a weapon to be full TF
then it is 5%/9, which is roughly 0.555%..
for a class like priest/lock/mage/rogue would be 5%/10 because you have 2 possible weapons.
with some assumptions.
1. we do not have bad luck protection (this will be implemented for legion legendaries i heard)
2. each gear piece has an equal probability of a drop (this won't be true for weapons tho)
3. each gear piece has an equal probability of getting TF proc.
4. each box will contain a single piece (not true)
for non-weapon pieces , it would be 0.5%/4 = 1.25%
due to the fact
blue boxes contain: head, shoulder, chest, leg
green boxes contain : wrist, hand, waist, feet
this post might be useless since i do not know how blizz writes the algorithm..
but i just wanted to check this myself and wanted to share.
grats to people who got full TF gear.. and good luck to people who's still farming.
say, you are missing a a weapon to be full TF
then it is 5%/9, which is roughly 0.555%..
for a class like priest/lock/mage/rogue would be 5%/10 because you have 2 possible weapons.
with some assumptions.
1. we do not have bad luck protection (this will be implemented for legion legendaries i heard)
2. each gear piece has an equal probability of a drop (this won't be true for weapons tho)
3. each gear piece has an equal probability of getting TF proc.
4. each box will contain a single piece (not true)
for non-weapon pieces , it would be 0.5%/4 = 1.25%
due to the fact
blue boxes contain: head, shoulder, chest, leg
green boxes contain : wrist, hand, waist, feet
this post might be useless since i do not know how blizz writes the algorithm..
but i just wanted to check this myself and wanted to share.
grats to people who got full TF gear.. and good luck to people who's still farming.