how does everyone feel about monks?


I was thinking about leveling a monk to lvl 20 with f2p restrictions. How does everyone feel about having them in the f2p community?
I was thinking about leveling a monk to lvl 20 with f2p restrictions. How does everyone feel about having them in the f2p community?

Even though I'm from EU I get to have my opinion, right? :)

Well, a lvl 20 monk with f2p restrictions would be something new to the EU-f2p-world (haven't seen a non-24 one) and I would have nothing against one going with f2p restrictions, you have the same potential as any other f2p out there. Which spec btw? :)
I only asked because I heard monk tanks are even harder to kill than a rdruid fc

Might of been just a rumor tho
If I describe a monk, I'd say mobile FC with mass snare. But I played in last year, so my info cannot be accurate. But how i feel about him in f2p community? Something new is always good.
I only asked because I heard monk tanks are even harder to kill than a rdruid fc
Might of been just a rumor tho
The thing is monks are most mobile class after druids + they slow down their pursuers. But lack of heals.
Well its all theory, need to hear out ppl who played them on low lvls.
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Do it. They're awesome support. WW and BM. I would totally do it if I were on a full.


Feet played a 20 BM monk for a month during the free full account trial or whatever it was, and just the ability to spam a slow on FCs made it the most useful class to have around. ToT for melee was basically 100% and hardly any FCs made it out of our FR.

As to the actual question, as long as you keep it within f2p restrictions I can't see anyone having good reason to give you grief. I say do it - it'd be great to have more diversity in the bracket.
I will most likely be running one mistweaver for my premade team. They have tiger's lust and thr heals aren't to shabby. From what I've heard and seen, they seem to be accepted.
hehe ive been playing mistweaver for the last month (time just ran out so idk if ima renew ) .

the clossest thing that you can compare a mistweaver to is a cata druid and thats still a long shot. Im guna be honnest and say that i mighhhttttttttt have stayed a lil from f2p restrictions but at least hes still a 20 and i a f2p restricted set for f2p only bg's .

anyway. ill throw in some helpfull tips ive learned incase anyone goes mistweaver here.

1) spam soothing mist dont cast. -this is probbaly the biggest thing you can do to help you survive without chi. if you do this you will start with one tick then get 2 ticks instead of one for as long as you spam it .

2) dont waste your rolls- may seem like a no brainer but coming from a resto druid where you could just travel form to get places i found i was rolling with no deliberate reason every once in a while . trust me you will need the roll for rogues.

3) hide when you heal. all of ur shit is hardcast so keeping the fewest number of people off you is necessary.

4) dont gear for max sp . gear for survival ie stam and rocket boots and parachute cloak if u break f2p restrictions

5) over all monks are huge utility and and have amazzinggggggg heals if u can get it figured out .

lastly a lil note about fcing . once 4 stacks hit your roll is worthless.
I only asked because I heard monk tanks are even harder to kill than a rdruid fc

Might of been just a rumor tho

They have no self heals whatsoever and usually not enough damage to solo kill healers, but the CC and damage reduction is amazing. They really shine in a CC role on defense, but they're very solid FCs with heals, too (until 4 stacks, at least). A rdruid with a BrM monk defending is even invincibler than usual.

Its a support class, you can't do a ton alone but you have crazy fun tools at your disposal. Especially good if you have dependable teammates that can heal. You can provide melee time on target on druids without stacks and a combination death grip/charge stun to peel/interrupt.

Mistweaver has amazing output, magic dispel and Tiger's Lust, but lack instant/mobile heals.

All 3 specs can be a lot of fun though, I'd recommend trying one out.
Monk's are painful to versus against with both BM and WW with extremely long stuns.

Non- the less, I saw one WW monk Monkeykick perform this move:

-First he took the Ally flag and rolled all the way to the left end of the fencing above the Ally tunnel stretching from the GY to the Berserker boost and went around it so he could jump down the hill.

-Instead of doing so he used the Slow Fall ability on his cloak and Flying Serpent kicked himself all the way to the path that leads out of the Horde tunnel past the Horde Gy and to the Rejuv pack. In doing this the Ally flag was dropped and we got the cap with no chance of a repick.

Yes, I think WW has high escape utility more so than Brewsters but Brewsters are unpredictable with Clash.
I really feel like they should wear cloth — I mean, who has ever seen kung fu movie where everyone wears leather?
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