Basicly if you update the MogIt addon, you will see a list of gear you can transmog.
All the gear from the list is possible... or thats atleast what i think.
Cuz you may have seen those fancy high level stuff wich is NOT avaible on level 19, right?
Well, you may know me, or may not know me.
But there is a way to transmog pretty much all the gear from that list!
Depending on the right gear (Cuz, there are multiple items that are looking the same), you can mog it.
I have seen level 20s with vanialla gear, like those recolored heirlooms.
So ye, MogIt is a working addoing wich shows ALL the gear you 'can' mog depending on what kind of gear you have collected, and what kind of way you try it (macros, glitches, set swaps, hacks, explots, etc..)
Or you can just quest and check what works and what not.
Cuz no one likes Third-Party Programmes/software.
All the gear from the list is possible... or thats atleast what i think.
Cuz you may have seen those fancy high level stuff wich is NOT avaible on level 19, right?
Well, you may know me, or may not know me.
But there is a way to transmog pretty much all the gear from that list!
Depending on the right gear (Cuz, there are multiple items that are looking the same), you can mog it.
I have seen level 20s with vanialla gear, like those recolored heirlooms.
So ye, MogIt is a working addoing wich shows ALL the gear you 'can' mog depending on what kind of gear you have collected, and what kind of way you try it (macros, glitches, set swaps, hacks, explots, etc..)
Or you can just quest and check what works and what not.
Cuz no one likes Third-Party Programmes/software.