How do underpowered classes keep sane?

This goes out to all the warlocks, mages, warriors, non-resto shamans, and any other underpowered classes. How do you find the motivation to keep coming back to that class even after being killed over and over again?

P.S. This isn't an argument about what classes are OP/UP.
This goes out to all the warlocks, mages, warriors, non-resto shamans, and any other underpowered classes. How do you find the motivation to keep coming back to that class even after being killed over and over again?

Because I am a dumbass. I play other classes from time to time, but I just enjoy playing lock.
when i hit a good crit streak and chain pyroblast someone from full hp.

Feels good man feels good
Because they yield the most satisfaction to play overall, and you leave others in awe when you do your thing
Let's look at it like this;
You have a Hunter and you have a Warlock.
The Hunter goes 23-0 with x amount of damage.
The Warlock goes 16-0 with x amount of damage.
I'd be far more impressed by the Warlock doing that well than a Hunter doing that.
Being that Warlock, you would feel pretty good for pulling out a score like that. Then Hunter would be thinking; "Just another days' work for LeHunterMe!"
People who are good at their classes and actually enjoy playing this game don't even notice if they're underpowered.
mages and warriors underpowerd? haha, it just feels like that because there are 100 huntards and rogues(which mages may handle) in this bracket..not many rogues and huntards in a bg and the most "underpowered" classes do very well, even warlocks
OP classes get boring faster. As a general rule people who aren't confident in themselves play OP classes, and people who are a bit more adventurous or outgoing can play UP classes and not feel like a disappointment, because they don't need a game to justify their worth. Some people just don't have any pride or a sick sense of pride and only play to win, regardless of the means.

90% of 24's are OP classes with additional buffs because they are really that bad at the game. No one actually gives a flying fuck about how many HK's you have. It's how you got them.
As a general rule people who aren't confident in themselves play OP classes, and people who are a bit more adventurous or outgoing can play UP classes and not feel like a disappointment, because they don't need a game to justify their worth. Some people just don't have any pride or a sick sense of pride and only play to win, regardless of the means.

This takes the cake.
I usually premade with a healer or some other people when i play my "bad classes"
also i wouldn't count in eleshaman as a bad class as you did :p
OP classes get boring faster. As a general rule people who aren't confident in themselves play OP classes, and people who are a bit more adventurous or outgoing can play UP classes and not feel like a disappointment, because they don't need a game to justify their worth. Some people just don't have any pride or a sick sense of pride and only play to win, regardless of the means.

90% of 24's are OP classes with additional buffs because they are really that bad at the game. No one actually gives a flying fuck about how many HK's you have. It's how you got them.

This makes me reflect.

"Some people just don't have any pride or a sick sense of pride and only play to win, regardless of the means."

I want to win, sometimes to win u have to play by the enemy "rules".
This makes me reflect.

"Some people just don't have any pride or a sick sense of pride and only play to win, regardless of the means."

I want to win, sometimes to win u have to play by the enemy "rules".

Having seen some of your screenshots and i think a vid(not sure though)
In you case i would just say it's because you're bad at the game..
Like he said "90% of 24's are OP classes with additional buffs because they are really that bad at the game. "
because inbred hunters will die by my hand anyway.

Amen to that.

Want to Pug it up later today at some point?

We could either go Defence - FC/Frost or Offence - Ele/Arcane?

or none. :'[

P.S. pretty colours and editing to convince you to play with a noob mage. :>
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Amen to that.

Want to Pug it up later on today at some point?

We could either go Defence - FC/Frost or Offence - Ele/Arcane?

or none. :'[

P.S. pretty colours and editing to convince you to play with a noob mage. :>

Having seen some of your screenshots and i think a vid(not sure though)
In you case i would just say it's because you're bad at the game..
Like he said "90% of 24's are OP classes with additional buffs because they are really that bad at the game. "

Never made a vid, and you are the 10% amirite?

let me guess, just cuz my UI hasnt changed much from WoW UI default u think im bad?
top pvpers, and most end game players are playing with default UI and with few addons. and actually some of them are playing without any addon.

personally i like playing game with default UI and only few addons also. its just a personal preference, which will not make some1 pro or noob.

Well he see something on my SS´s that makes me bad...


U got any clue of what it is?
Never made a vid, and you are the 10% amirite?

let me guess, just cuz my UI hasnt changed much from WoW UI default u think im bad?

Nothing wrong with default UI, simply because you have the need to hide your binds or lack off. + the from all the stuff i've read around ti.

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