How do GM's work nowadays

so, my account has been stolen back in the january. month later, blizz returned it to me. i also asked them to restore all the items that the hacker sold or deleted, dunno, because not all the items were shown in armory at the moment while hacker owned the account. blizz said ok.

so yesterday I buy a gamecard. login. check my chars.

all the gear was restored and was sitting in the mail.

but on one of my twinks, 39 hunter, 5-6 items from his equipment were missing. so, today, I write a ticket.

a GM contacts me soon. (hey, at least kudos for the quick response) so, I tell him, if you restored all the items on other characters, it wouldnt be hard for you to restore the items on the hunter as well. he tells he can't track them. duh! you could do that on all the other chars, but on this one not? what the hell.

anyways, not minding his poor punctuation (forgetting ? and . ), being used that usually GM's have no grammatical errors whatsoever, I think to do a little test. I remember that I had a BoA leather chest restored and currently equipped on my rogue. so, I ask him, if he can find that chest, since I spent a lot of time farming all the emblems and buying it. in a few minutes, he tells he can't find it. duh. so I tell him bye. below is something related to this:

my hunter with the missing gear slots.

a part of my conversation with the GM

and my rogue with the BoA tunic.


that's some shitty customer support, as I see it.

what should I do now? write another ticket and hope for a non-lazy GM? or just sit there without my revelosh gloves I earned after doing like 100 runs lol
Rapt0R said:
so, my account has been stolen back in the january. month later, blizz returned it to me. i also asked them to restore all the items that the hacker sold or deleted, dunno, because not all the items were shown in armory at the moment while hacker owned the account. blizz said ok.

so yesterday I buy a gamecard. login. check my chars.

all the gear was restored and was sitting in the mail.

but on one of my twinks, 39 hunter, 5-6 items from his equipment were missing. so, today, I write a ticket.

a GM contacts me soon. (hey, at least kudos for the quick response) so, I tell him, if you restored all the items on other characters, it wouldnt be hard for you to restore the items on the hunter as well. he tells he can't track them. duh! you could do that on all the other chars, but on this one not? what the hell.

anyways, not minding his poor punctuation (forgetting ? and . ), being used that usually GM's have no grammatical errors whatsoever, I think to do a little test. I remember that I had a BoA leather chest restored and currently equipped on my rogue. so, I ask him, if he can find that chest, since I spent a lot of time farming all the emblems and buying it. in a few minutes, he tells he can't find it. duh. so I tell him bye. below is something related to this:

my hunter with the missing gear slots.

a part of my conversation with the GM

and my rogue with the BoA tunic.


that's some shitty customer support, as I see it.

what should I do now? write another ticket and hope for a non-lazy GM? or just sit there without my revelosh gloves I earned after doing like 100 runs lol

well the GM said that it was probably sent back to a character. that probably takes it off the "list" of things deleted/sold. but i have no idea why he cant find the items. if i were you, i would make tickets until i had my stuff
I don't believe it's the GM's responsibility to do that kind of stuff, they have a restoration team for that kind of stuff.
lindenkron said:
"of" items can't be remade. It's a randomly generated item. Have a good grind mate.

Yea, I've gotten my stuff on my warlock remade with no issues when I got hacked. I think they've fixed that issue now.
My mate, a hunter, at level 19 got hacked.

GM couldn't restore gloves and bracers, etc, +3+3 and +4+4 perfect falcon items.

Reasion given, and Ive heard this countless amount of times, was that such items are randomly generated. After creating an item a coupple of times, most GMs apparrently give up on trying to get them, and just inform people that they cannot restore it.

I have no personal experience with this though, since I'm personally smart enough to not get hacked. (sorry if that's offensive to anyone ;) )
i got hacked in bc and got all my stuff back in 2 wks. the farmer had sold all my gear but didnt send the gold off yet, so i got to keep all the gold i had + got reimbursed gear and gold from other toons. kinda like getting free gold.

they can give you the same suffixed "of the" items, seen't it.

do they keep files of gear no longer attainable? if they dont it'd suck to be a t3 twink and be hacked or even accidently sell a piece of gear and not buy back in time or before logging. but at least in your case mcbank, that axe sucks hard, especially hard for a shammy.

also being hacked doesnt have to do with being smart. my problem was logging on from my friends comp which was compromised somehow (spyware, keylogger, idk) b/c we both got hacked on the same day, but after i recovered my PW and changed it on my comp, nothing ever happened since; meaning the weak link was him. barring that situation you have to be kinda dumb to get hacked though, clicking fake links in fake emails, etc.

oh i got a really good scam email recently and i was thinking of posting it here, but idk where. tavern perhaps. just the spelling and grammar is so bad, the link so fake. like idk what translation software they use, but it fails hard.
Getting hacked is your own fault. If it were up to me you wouldn't get any of your items back. It's very time consuming for Blizzard aswell, giving players with serious problems a longer wait before their ticket is solved. Think again before you open one of your twelve Cataclysm Bèta invites.
Rayu said:
Getting hacked is your own fault. If it were up to me you wouldn't get any of your items back. It's very time consuming for Blizzard aswell, giving players with serious problems a longer wait before their ticket is solved. Think again before you open one of your twelve Cataclysm Bèta invites.

You would be a terrible game master, a lot of unintelligent people open emails and get hacked, and you would punish them for ignorance when it doesn't even concern the game?
I agree with Rayu to an extend. But as McBankington pointed out, you can't exclude idiots from the game, since that would remove 80% of the player base. I've played wow for 5 years. Until recently I did not even know my secret answer, and I've never been hacked or lost my account.

How? I don't visit unsure websites, I don't check out World of Warcraft unofficial websites, and I don't share my PSW. Simple :)
lindenkron said:
I agree with Rayu to an extend. But as McBankington pointed out, you can't exclude idiots from the game, since that would remove 80% of the player base. I've played wow for 5 years. Until recently I did not even know my secret answer, and I've never been hacked or lost my account.

How? I don't visit unsure websites, I don't check out World of Warcraft unofficial websites, and I don't share my PSW. Simple :)

Isn't this technically an unofficial warcraft website?
Rayu said:
It's very time consuming for Blizzard aswell, giving players with serious problems a longer wait before their ticket is solved.

it's their job god damn it

what 'serious' problems? other than bugged drops/events/dealing with HAXORZ? technical problems -> tech forums, and people shouldn't cry their heart out to gms because someone ON THE INTERNET called them a nigger or had mom jokes thrown in their direction
lindenkron said:
I agree with Rayu to an extend. But as McBankington pointed out, you can't exclude idiots from the game, since that would remove 80% of the player base. I've played wow for 5 years. Until recently I did not even know my secret answer, and I've never been hacked or lost my account.

How? I don't visit unsure websites, I don't check out World of Warcraft unofficial websites, and I don't share my PSW. Simple :)

ur on an unofficial wow site, you have been on others before im sure before. im sure you looked at internet porn or been to a seedier website. clicked a link from a friend, opened an email from someone you didnt know (can get virus just by opening, not even by clicking anything) etc etc etc. i never got hacked b/c i have firewall, virus scanner, and knowledgable on where to go/who to trust. dont click shady links or share my pw. got hacked from logging on a friends comp that was compromised b/c he was an idiot apparently. oh well......and not everyone is as competent as myself or other people who dont get hacked.

its not like GMs arent getting paid to do it. they cant give info on quests or anything else, banning people for trolling trade is dumb, so all they do is get to help people who were hacked
While we're at this warcraft movies, and I guess, you could consider youtube considering probably around 5% of their shitty videos are probably WoW kiddies.

and mmochampion.

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