How did you find AB weekend? Shocking?

Lith beat the hell out of our 13 man lol. Lith and his friends are really good and work really well together as a team. Don't let the jealousy of these turds get you down Lith.
Which part? The part were you can't understand a coherent sentence?
Or the fact that you're just a bad troll

Stay small... -random no name.
Okay, let's put this shit into perspective.

You are a living disappointment because you a) need a lv24 to be remotely successful in a predominantly f2p bracket and b) need a team of 24s to be successful vs mostly f2p pugs.

This is why you're a living disappointment.

If I am small. And I am not going to deny this, but then what are you? The truth is I put much more effort into my PvP than you do to yours. So how can you look down on me?

And yes, troll. Aha. You see, no F2P can have a negative opinion about the trash that keeps ruining our bracket. That would be unrealistic.
Whats a Lith. haha talk about stay small....smh,
Yeah i agree with garrett cause any scum bag that can sit on 4 lvl 1s trying to whisper me for 2hrs straight should be called a Waste of sperm or w.e he said.
I play to have fun not for your Fail ass approval you got a problem with that... thats nice cause ill keep pvping and trials will keep spiting on you. Don't walk around saying you good man.
I was a trial so i know how they feel. -.- Not a trial anymore but i dont deny that i'm an asshole haha cause i farm all day LONG. sigh....
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