How can I improve my mage?


(account currently inactive, but I'll be back for the summer)

Armory link: The World of Warcraft Armory - Ethelius @ Crushridge - Profile

I'm currently decked out in honor gear and WotLK BOE greens/blues, since I started to play after WotLK was introduced. I used to faceroll 61-70 AV, but after experimenting with the 70-79 bracks found that the extra challenge was quite enjoyable. I don't think my gear is quite up the the task, though. I have no arena points to purchase the really good L70 PVP gear, and I also miss L75+ players a lot due to low hit rating.

Any tips? I think I may activate the 10-day WotLK trial and gem two +hit Dragon's Eyes and a +SP one, but beyond that I'm lost.

Also, after I went on hiatus in Sept, I heard the AV bracks were going to change. But when I came back on briefly this month, it's the same old. What?

And one more thing, I think I might transfer servers to a level 70 guild. Are there any good US-H ones? Something to note is that I'm not very interested in raiding, I just want to be with other L70 twinks that can teach me better PVP skills, play BGs with, etc.

You are on your way, and it's looking pretty good. While you are PvPing, I would consider getting these items next, in this order:

-Medallion of the Horde

-Guardian's Band of Salvation

-Battlemaster's Courage

-Epic Gems

10k intellect is the ideal amount of mana a PvPer will need in the vast majority of situations, so I would focus on stacking health, spellpower, and resilience, in that order. I am less knowledgeable on the importance of haste rating to a mage, so I'll need a more experienced player to comment on that. As you fill out your gear slots with your class appropriate gear, mana/regeneration/crit/spirit and whatnot will tend to balance themselves out nicely, leaving you with some room to stack stats to your liking with gems. I would shift your sources for hit rating from armor to gems and trinkets.

Stamina is a bit harder to come by as a clothie, so I would switch out your wrist enchant with +40 stamina. The shoulder slots, etc. will take some work to obtain, so you have a couple options available. Firstly, I would get on an arena team and get in your 10 games each week. Devote 1-2 hours to this and you will have at least some arena points coming in. Doesn't matter who you PvP with, just find somebody and go at it. Worst case scenario, you will have enough points in a month to get a best-in-slot brutal piece. You have two other options: Do heroics over time and purchase the ilvl 141 badge gear, or host a raid yourself. Hosting a raid is challenging and time costly, but it will get you those tier pieces and ilvl 150+'s the fastest.

There is a lot to say about hosting a raid, and it's definitely not for the weak-hearted. It is very doable however, and there are many threads in this forum with great suggestions to make those go as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Thank you for your help! I didn't realize there was a better version of the Medallion of the Horde, and I can also definitely buy the ring.

The thing with the Battlemaster's Courage is that it only mitigates 1750 damage- I don't know how much it will help in BGs. The only times when I die are when a dozen people are going after my lone squishy ass at once and I'm pretty much dead in any case. Though I guess the constant +70 SP is pretty good, I always forget to activate my Crimson Serpent. I'll miss the huge stam and int boosta that trink offered though.

And as for epic gems... I thought I'm using the best ones right now? (Barring Dragon's Eyes).

As for raids... not going to happen. There's pretty much zero interest in BC content on my server, and if someone actually does start a run, they don't allow 70s in. Arenas are also going to be tough. I only know two other perma-70s.
Also wondering what's a good profession. I don't even remember why I went with JC, but it's really dull and I never use it. Thinking of switching over to engineering, because of all the interesting PVP things that can be made.
Yeah, I was looking at those items and they are amazing. Exploding sheep that have stealth detection, WANT. But losing one of my gathering profs would be tough, since mining is a significant source of supplemental income for me. I think I may just ditch JC altogether, it's really quite useless for me at 70.
Your frost spec is a bit sucky, I would suggest using this build Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft. You can switch the 1point in frost warding to precision if you want, but with wotlk gems its better to get some hit gems. Also you should change your 2nd major glyph (molten armor) to icy veins, iceblock or ice barrier.

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