How bad can you be...

Recently many people asked me what does Defcon Five mean, and i think this picture speaks for itself.

If you seriously lose as a 13man premade team with voice comms and everything, you should reconsider if its actually worth paying 13 euro for getting spanked.
But granted majority of people are fucked up in the bracket,it also could be a different form of masochism.

/tips fedora
they prolly queue av with 40 ppl tomorrow and will still get rekt, 1 like = 1 prayer
Some real anti french bigotry in this thread. They also won some games that night. The real question is: how many 29/vets did horde have that game? And which classes
Queing 13 people still loose? FeelsBadMan

But lets dont forget that horde tend to queue their own premades consisting of 5-7 players which just hurts :(

But yea 13 baguettes is never good hehe <3
Of course both factions are aids and que premades, but come on now,
when have you seen other premades be like "oh shit dude, we lost 10man premade wsg, lets get kevin and jimmy online and make it 12 AB"

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