How are Boomkins in this bracket?


My understanding was that they're totally FoTM and dominate in the 15-19 bracket, but I never seem see them in the 20-24 bracket (or maybe I'm just not paying attention really). What changes so much between the brackets that no one wants to play them? All the other cliche specs seem to remain almost exactly the same between the two brackets.
They're really strong in this bracket aswell. I'm not sure why so few plays it.
People don't really know how to play them correctly in this bracket, for the most part.
Yeah, I'm not really sure why it just occurred to me. Strong'ish dots, very strong heals, and excellent mobility could make for an interesting combination. I wonder if they wouldn't get just completely blown up by a decent Hunter or Rogue though. Also, I feel like in almost every bracket Boomkins are focused immediately.
I think a big problem is that the noob hunters tend to go for the bigger targets and there isn't much bigger than the laserturkey.
I think a big problem is that the noob hunters tend to go for the bigger targets and there isn't much bigger than the laserturkey.

They go for big and black... Lazorturkeys and Facemelters.

I've seen a couple of boomers in BGs, but it's all about hunters and ele shamans right now. Huntards will always be around, but seeing a group of 5 ele shamans on top of LM perma-blasting everyone off the cliff... wasn't seen much before 5.3
It comes down to people not being able to play them well.
A good Boomkin - LogicBomb, Pizza - Etc, absolutely dominates this bracket, however because they are *Arguably* difficult to master, there aren't too many.

Don't let people force you into playing a lame Shadow priest - boring. Boomkins are much more flexible.
All in all it's up to you what you play, but to answer your initial question, they are extremely viable if you know what you're doing.
Playing one can be frustrating when your team has no healers,

along with often being the second kill target after warlocks.

On the plus side tho, a skilled boomkin can dominate and be an asset to their team if they choose to help out with healing + CC (when required) over rofldotspam

(i've noticedmost tend to just spam Starsurge + Starfire... looking for big crits...)
Playing one can be frustrating when your team has no healers,

along with often being the second kill target after warlocks.

On the plus side tho, a skilled boomkin can dominate and be an asset to their team if they choose to help out with healing + CC (when required) over rofldotspam

(i've noticedmost tend to just spam Starsurge + Starfire... looking for big crits...)

pls dont pop gnomer mace on me when im afking at blacksmith again :c
Very strong, very fun.

There is a small learning curve, as unlike other classes people immediately cling to, you have to press more than 3 buttons... shocker!

But the profit is totally worth it, a BiS boomy with lifeblood and troll racial popped, along with the lunar eclipse haste buff.... spam starfire.. no f2p on this planet can heal though that.
It comes down to people not being able to play them well.
A good Boomkin - LogicBomb, Pizza - Etc, absolutely dominates this bracket, however because they are *Arguably* difficult to master, there aren't too many.

Don't let people force you into playing a lame Shadow priest - boring. Boomkins are much more flexible.
All in all it's up to you what you play, but to answer your initial question, they are extremely viable if you know what you're doing.

How is something with 5 buttons hard to master? The time i saw pizza on boomkin it was just spamming rejuv and running away in travel form, not complicated at all.
How is something with 5 buttons hard to master? The time i saw pizza on boomkin it was just spamming rejuv and running away in travel form, not complicated at all.

hard to master? I was talking about 24s, lol. This bracket has a tendency to not master things.
boomkins are decent, but they were a lot better in 5.2 (more heal, 50% resi and less huntards)

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