*snip*Anti BR/LA/ES realm discrimination/racism is cringe and should be a valid reason to get your character silenced
hot take: charax is just as cringe now as he was 10+ years ago
Booooooom /firemy other forever hot take is that most of you dont actually like WoW and are really just here because of personal habit/inertia and you'd actually be happier in DOTA2 or LOL
gud timesbeing pure f2p only meant something in cata/mop
The lady doth protest too much methinks.10+ years later, I see you are still trying to gnaw on my ankles.
Maybe just ask for my signature already. I am usually kind to my fans.
my other forever hot take is that most of you dont actually like WoW and are really just here because of personal habit/inertia and you'd actually be happier in DOTA2 or LOL
I love you all but yes. Online gaming was a mistakeGaming should not have progressed past the early to mid 2000s. Also no online gaming.