Horde twink guild Interncionem (leave none alive) on Kel Thuzad US


As mentioned before we at Oldschool are putting together the horde equivalent of our alliance 60 twink guild. We eventually plan on hosting world pvp battles, wargames arena and BGs.

Currently I am the GM of the guild. Talk to Msragepaint or me about transfering over and other information you may need.

We are looking for all classes (except death knights, they weren't in classic wow and we are not accepting any).

Our raiding schedule is yet to be determined. Once we have a consistant group of player on both sides the real fun begins and that is the major goal is to have fun and pvp to our heart's content.

All rules for the guild are the same as Oldschool's guild rules. For all guild rule info go to Oldschool
I was going to join into oldschool, but I think I am going to help out with the Horde guild :) Wud dat be kul?
How many people are in the guild right now? Cause I am 100% willing to transfer assuming the guild will start off well.
Just started it yesterday.]

Right now members of oldschool are making alts for the guild and leveling them. We plan to get as many active players as we can.

The sooner people get leveled up and others come to join in, the sooner we can be as active as Oldschool is.

So if you got friends who are interested and if you are interested and are serious about PVPing and raiding then PM me and we can discuss when we want to get things rolling and have you join us here.

Last night we ran a level 60 only BWL with our ally toons and had 23 members appear for the raid and completed it. We are looking to do the same as horde.

Things we dont want to see though is the guild being mostly Belfs (specifically belf paladins) and people flocking to one particular class or spec leaving us needing other classes/specs badly due to a lack of them.

To answer how loot is distributed is through a modified loot council. Things accounted for is who NEEDS it most, performance, showing up on time and regularly etc.
Alright, i've transfered one of my Alts to sort of head the guild for now, we've gotten our ranks created, and now all we need is some more players!
gl man, u trying to get world pvp stuff going?
i am very interested in joining your guild. I used to play on alot of Vanilla priv realms and i have to say it was the most fun on wow i have had in along time. I even had a 60 twink until my account got hacked/banned. I was in full AQ gear and the like. I will probably be rerolling a sham because 2h enh is my favorite spec in the game or i will be rolling a mage or something. I will try and contact you guys today and talk things out. :) See ya ingame!
Guild has gotten 30 members in the last 2 days, definitely getting a lot bigger. May even hit 100 members by the end of next week with a lot of people saying they will transfer and others saying they will re-roll.

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