Horde to Alliance (US)


Basically, I would like to know who are you hordes jumping ship and why? Was is it because:

1. Waw Tawent asked you so politely to leave to shorten their own queues but did not take into consideration the ones who are horde at heart and one shottable (lol)

2. You're tired of losing, it's the same reason you left the alliance in the first place but now it's going to cost you another $30 (rofl)

3. You play both factions and in any case you really don't give a shit about what people think about you. You play just to win (probably the funniest reason)

Feel free to add your own personal reason even if you did faction before this shift in win to loss ratio. I personally know that there are a few of you who left horde to actually try and balance our games.

PS Props to Lobstrosity for playing horde, definitely my favorite arcane mage! Your presence is felt regardless of the team around you.
This thread is not going to go anywhere good, but I'll throw in my 2 cents before so.

I doubt it was completely because of WT, people have their own opinions. From what I have seen in the past few months of me becomming active again in the 19 community, all people care about is winning. All of this "fun in competition" has gone down the drain. I'm pretty sure that most of those people who just switch factions because everyones doing it really doesn't give 2 shits about where it's taking the community. Same for those who switch to whichever side is winning games at the time.

But like people said in the previous thread about this, the alliance and horde ratio shifts from time to time. I know many people who have switched over to help out the community, and too many that switched just because everyone else is.
But what is really bothering me, is that it's not like alliance are steam rolling wins either. There have been tons of close games that could have gone either way. But like you, I have noticed an influx of "newer" 19s and f2ps on both sides which really doesn't help with the mindset many people have. Which is namely "win win win".

I have lost count at the number of times I have tried to refer a newer 19 to TI just to get a clue. Gear some, chant some, practice some. It definitely makes these games far more enjoyable for others as well as newer players who are frequently farmed. Do the horde have more of these guys that are making them flee? I'm just looking for some answers, get some insight into the minds of those who are leaving now and those who are considering leaving.

I doubt it was because of WT, people have their own opinions

I know, just taking a friendly poke at WT. Might take another "Go alliance, they need you!" I think was their moto. Might still be, who knows? Okay, I know I shouldn't generalize like this, there are some great WT players with great personalities such as Phe, Ore and Adeus (still hate you for leaving but I guess they need you now more than ever).

I'm pretty sure that most of those people who just switch factions because everyones doing it really doesn't give 2 shits about where it's taking the community.

I couldn't agree more. Roll toons on either faction, play alliance one day, play horde the next. I personally enjoy playing horde, being a player who started alliance, played ally PvE and pretty much had no clue what it was like on the other side, I find it rather entertaining playing horde classes. So much more different than what boring humans have to offer. Now before I get told to go horde because I love it so much, I might have you know that I do play horde 19s regularly so =P

Same for those who switch to whichever side is winning games at the time.

It's rather silly to jump sides instead of helping your team win. Yeah there are games you really can't do anything about or who you're up against or who you have around you but don't hop over just for an easy win. Easy wins are boring, they don't make you any better of a player. At least Pizza plays to the very last second now before he /afks, did it again. That was the last one I promise.
Your qqing about people going to the winning side but then say that they are close games. I don't see what the problem is here.
Thats the point really, a few losses and a bunch of QQ. Its been said in other threads, losing for about 2 weeks and people want those who switched to switch back. And whats worse, from horde that I have spoken to, are really considering making the faction change over to ally in the coming days.

I don't see what the problem is here.

I figured you to be one of the brighter ones, if you don't see the problem many horde and alliance players see then there is not much I can say to that. Life must be good over where you're at.
Resølute said:
Thats the point really, a few losses and a bunch of QQ. Its been said in other threads, losing for about 2 weeks and people want those who switched to switch back. And whats worse, from horde that I have spoken to, are really considering making the faction change over to ally in the coming days.

I figured you to be one of the brighter ones, if you don't see the problem many horde and alliance players see then there is not much I can say to that. Life must be good over where you're at.

i said I don't see what the problem is because as you said yourself the games have been competitive lately. Hence what are you upset about? As far as the qq over losing I ignore that because I really don't care most people who qq aren't very good because I happen to know that I can make a difference in games.
i said I don't see what the problem is because as you said yourself the games have been competitive lately. Hence what are you upset about?

I'm not upset about the games, but the general consensus from many horde players is that they are. Players will continue to faction and this nonsense will start all over again. But at a much faster rate than the last migration of ally to horde and THEN there will be an issue. You're one of those people who believe if its not broke don't fix it am I right?

As far as the qq over losing I ignore that because I really don't care most people who qq aren't very good because I happen to know that I can make a difference in games.

As far as I know from playing with and against you, you are a player who plays till the end. But that was never in question, those interested in faction changes to be a part of a very realistic and upcoming problem is though. Not forcing people to play a specific faction as I have mentioned before, just consider playing for your faction and not selling them out over an idea of a 5min game with a definite considerable longer queue time.
Think WT will finally come ally and further break our bracket? AFKing is going to get old real fast for them me thinks
I'm really not sure the best way to respond to this thread, as my 19 tink playing has been very limited over the past few months. But honestly who in their right mind would EVER faction change to Alliance because they want to win pugs. LOL that's completely ridiculous. The only good reason would be because you will never be the #1 guild sitting safe on horde side. :) I wouldn't be terribly concerned with "newer players" swapping factions regularly unless it becomes an epidemic to the point that you cannot even get into a game with other half decent players. Now if more veteran players started to swap a lot then that might be more of an issue. Oh wait...they have. But not to alliance, but to horde.

There have been very few recognizable names in the games I've played this past week. Although I will not take away the respect from those who I have managed to get into decent games with (whether their name was known to me or not), and I was very happy to see some old guilds getting a bit of a revival. Is it enough? Absolutely not. For it to every be as balanced as it could be once again stronger guilds will need to emerge and que together. That's the key.

So step back and take a look at this situation. Even take a look at it in a way that say Pizza would. Are these tinks decent? Would they be an asset to your faction? Encourage them to transfer, and especially to an upcoming active guild. Are they garbage? Lol...tell em to stay where they are. XD Wow is only half of the "game" of the 19 community, the other half is well..for you to figure out.
I love the maturity level of this thread, lets keep it on this level please.

Onto my question: As an older player coming back, which side needs me more? Horde or Alliance?
The only good reason would be because you will never be the #1 guild sitting safe on horde side.

Noone is actually ever safe, WT would have to queue with 10 to steam roll any pug on any given day. Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration but it has been proven that heavy WT sides does not always win. Case in point in my time at BR, we queued 7 strong against a 7 strong WT horde team. Ally 3 caps with a pretty impressive win. There was a warrior in group with us, can't really recall his name but he took a look at the roster for that game and responded with "Good game, we should take an easy win". It's that attitude that I miss whole heartedly from my brief time at BR. Mind you there were some epic heals at the back coming from Ruue and Dcm, a game I will never forget. But such as that game there are many more that many other players have to tell about how they bested the best on a given day.

My point is, like you mentioned, guilds need to queue together and more frequently to make games that entertaining. And not worry about being trolled on if they lose. There have been games were Dynasty has been beaten by pugs when we do and still continue to group queue with new 19s and not the best of geared ones either. We have tried to make their transition into competitive wsg games as easy as possible.

But honestly who in their right mind would EVER faction change to Alliance because they want to win pugs. LOL that's completely ridiculous.

It's funny because its true. With guilds queueing together more regularly on Alliance its made horde pugs a little more competitive from the usual 0-3 cap wins. I just hope less give up so easily and realize that the other half (definitely more than half) of the alliance team is filled with bads. Yesterday alone watching half the horde teams /afk out mid game with 1 quick cap has been rather disappointing. There are players on ally that do it as well and you know who you are.

Wow is only half of the "game" of the 19 community, the other half is well..for you to figure out.

I've seen the other half, its not that great either.

P.S. Thanks for killing my thread with a great response Silin, can always count on you.
As an older player coming back, which side needs me more? Horde or Alliance?

Welcome back! Frustrations lay on either side, it's just up to you to make the right decisions when choosing not only your faction, but your guild as well. It can be pretty lonely bouncing around without an active home. Good guilds on horde to take a look into Tink Nation, Static, The Chosen Few and my new personal favorite Wolf Pack Assemble. Alliance, Reppin The Past, Extinct, Made In China, Revolution or Dynasty.

Hope you find whats best for you.
Resølute said:
Noone is actually ever safe, WT would have to queue with 10 to steam roll any pug on any given day. Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration but it has been proven that heavy WT sides does not always win. Case in point in my time at BR, we queued 7 strong against a 7 strong WT horde team. Ally 3 caps with a pretty impressive win.

Of course, I'm not saying it can't be done or anything along those lines. But think of it this way. Pizza will be able to win against most alliance guilds without an issue; whether it's because of the fact that they are better at pugging or not is not under question here. If you create your solid guild you know that you will be able to beat, without much of a struggle, most new guilds. Which leaves but one to beat, and if you are horde side that makes it unaccomplishable.

Resølute said:
P.S. Thanks for killing my thread with a great response Silin, can always count on you.

Anytime. :)
This thread is coming along nicely considering the basis upon which it was started :p

I would imagine that most people transferred or are transferring to alliance because they are tired of getting stomped in pugs lol, but the only way to truly balance this whole dilemma is to stick with your team and encourage improvement.

I have seen some twinks who will remain anonymous transfer because of their friends have done it, because of indirect "peer pressure" from influential names, etc. The biggest reason is probably the latter of the two. Of course I myself have never transferred to the opposite faction, and the only reason I ever would would be to improve my gear, then come back to horde.

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