Horde Race Discussion


I am currently working on gearing my shaman after a long break, and plan to faction change to get alli gear before returning horde. Thinking about the future the question is which race to chose when returning to the horde, obviously talking about gob or troll.

I am aware that goblin is the status quo right now, but my question to the great shamans out there (and anyone else with good insight of course) is WHY is goblin the sole choice for shamans.

After looking at the ever trusted WoW.com races page I begin to question exactly the mindset for picking goblin. While the jump (and occasional rocket if you could spare the CD for some situational ned of a little more dmg) is very enticing, I personally don't see this as the deciding factor. Yes I understand it is great maneuverability and situationally can be a great tool to get you out of harms way or jump to cap/pick a flag etc etc. But other than that racial goblins have seemingly no cons other than their size, which would make it hard to click on them, but that is what tab targeting is for amirite o_O

Trolls on the other hand a haste buff on a 2 min CD (if I remember correctly) and a reduction in amount of time you are effected by snares.

I can see the goblin being the top choice for situational use, and I do suppose it depends on the type of offense/defense your team runs, but would flat out haste buff and snare reduction be better in the long run than a situational movement increase?

I have been out of the twink game for a little bit now so if I completely missed the target on this argument then please correct me, but yeah, that is where I am currently at in my mind.

shamans have no mobility with the loss of insta gw and they need the jump to get away sine they also lack a defensive cd.
in MOP they are getting insta GW back

if pandas can be shamans....panda

if you are not buying MOP....goblin
I see past race. All races are even in my eyes. I am tolerant.
Movement is more important than looks and/or racials combined. Female UD have the best movement imo, hence me playing them... by far surpasses racial abilities.

Really relevant to shaman races, Mr. MVP
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or u cood just evermorph it and think ur unded insted but i guess they didnt have that in 06 hence why you didnt cunsider that opshun huehuehue
I think Dory covets Mocha's MVP title.

If I use text the same color as the MVP title, maybe I can be an MVP in my own special way.

I, however, have the legacy of being an MVP under the old system.
I think it's about time your signature reverts back to its former self.

Nice MVP colored text in the signature though...

I'm giving up the blue, since it is the color of tools of the upper management.

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