Horde problems in wsg.

Pizza said:
If they're not going to listen when you're showing respect, then they're not going to listen when you don't. Also, being disrespectful and causing arguments will only lead to players not paying attention and being less helpful than they already are.

Over time most of the old players will quit and new players will be their replacements. It's important that you support these players and try to help them out, because without them, the bracket will die.

The bracket relies on new blood to keep it going. The reason all the other brackets die out is because they don't have these new players coming in daily.

Yes, all of them might not be the ideal player you would like on your team, but if you removed all of the players who aren't up to your standards then there wouldn't be any pops at all.

Also, it seems like there's feedback and responses from both EU and US. Kind of hard to tell who's arguing what and which community they're talking about.

Well said.
The Ginger Breed said:
My view is that we should give it time, we were all new once and i bet most of you made your first twink to 'pwn nubs' in midfield. I'm sure the new guys will soon see that its more rewarding working as a team than farming mid on a hunter. And with regards to their skill, practice is the only way to learn, i know im still learning after ericah (is that you sylvictus?) jinked me off the horde GY the other day ( i facepalmed IRL ^^). I welcome the increase of new guys as it adds much needed activity in the bracket and without them i dont think i'd ever get a wsg pop.

Sylvictus is phonebook

I dont play alot nowadays, but when I do play I've found the games to be somewhat balanced. Alot of the times one team wins with 3-0 but it happens to both factions and I cant really say I think one faction is winning all the time

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