Horde monk tip


Jøldal Förebild
I was working on my new 19 mw on horde side when i discovered something pretty cool. First I couldn't decide what race I should be but later chose be for the looks. What I discovered was that arcane torrent restores 1 chi which is pretty awesome. Don't know if this is old news for you guys but I felt that this needed to be shared. :)
Nice find, I didn't know that before. It could switch what race people play on horde for monks :)
EWWWW now youre making me want to race change, stfu. I will rock my food buff till the end :p
u say this like chi isnt easy enough to get already ^.^

If u play monk or at least mw monk u know that there is moments when it feels like ur stuck on 2 chi for a lifetime and there is nothing around to hit. This could be a lifesaver for sure.

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