Unfortunately I'm not too knowledgeable on gear optimization in this bracket but yeah it's most likely gear with the most sockets. As far as I'm aware the fight isn't too hard, could be wrong though, so I don't think too much min maxing is required in terms of gear and composition as long as everyone knows what they're doing, I've seen people run with one healer and less than 10 people. I can confirm it is still possible to get. I'd also be willing to help your guild mates with runs through raids to get them geared if they need it so we can get more people.I have a fully geared (for all specs), pre-Legion BIS [Horde] Paladin. Most comfortable when healing, but can fill any role necessary.
[ Luzu-Illidan <Citizens of Dalaran> / Heeroik#1775 ]
I've also got two guild mates who have locked 80 Death Knights, however only one of them is 100% geared.
If anyone else is on Illidan and wants to go for this FoS, I can provide consumables for the fight. I have a guild bank tab full of Food, Flasks, Potions, and Drums of Rage. In my person bank I also have a couple stacks of Seafood Magnifique Feast, for those who don't have their own buff food. I've also got another tab with several BOEs (ilvl 226) armor pieces, and various crafting materials & recipes for 226 gear.
Before we jump in though, I've got a few questions that someone else might be able to answer:
Since Legion, the legacy set bonuses have all been disabled, which is a major gimp on my ability to heal. Does anyone know what the current BIS gear is (since Legion) for [Herald of the Titans]? Assuming it's probably whatever gear has the most sockets since set bonuses aren't a thing.
Also, does anyone know what the most desirable party composition is to clear Algalon since Legion? So much has drastically changed in terms of spell arsenal & gear normalization (ICC gear has lower stats than Ulduar gear despite having a higher Item Lvl). Cata vendor green weapons used to be the BIS for me at 232 ilvl but are now inferior to 232 Wrath epics it seems.
Probably most importantly, has anyone confirmed that this FoS still pops since Legion?
Unfortunately I'm not too knowledgeable on gear optimization in this bracket but yeah it's most likely gear with the most sockets. As far as I'm aware the fight isn't too hard, could be wrong though, so I don't think too much min maxing is required in terms of gear and composition as long as everyone knows what they're doing, I've seen people run with one healer and less than 10 people. I can confirm it is still possible to get. I'd also be willing to help your guild mates with runs through raids to get them geared if they need it so we can get more people.
Yeah after looking at the fight done in legion it seems like he hits pretty hard but the fight ends pretty quickly, usually in 2-3 minutes, so it might be harder than I thought, but still doable. I'm getting pretty geared at this point so I'll shoot you a btag request and try and find some more people through other means, hopefully we can give this a try sometime next week or as soon as possible.I still run Ulduar every week on my 80 because I still don't have 30 fragments for Val'anyr (I know I can't use it for Herald but I still want it), and I've noticed since Legion I haven't been able to sustain myself with heals when being targeted by trash mobs, let alone a boss. Actually, last time I triggered the Algalon fight he hit me for more than my max health in a single attack. Keep in mind I'm pretty much completely twinked out for Herald already in Holy. I'm a plate wearer too, so I can't imagine being a clothie and getting hit. Obviously, with an actual party and a tank or two it shouldn't be a major issue. It just definitely seems like Healers (Paladins at least) are at a major disadvantage now without the tier set bonus.
Despite that, I'm still absolutely down to try. I spent so much time preparing for the fight, it would be a shame to not even attempt it lol.
Anyone know any brief chanting guides? My tank set has been complete for herald since cata but the majority of my gear is unchanted. Also would my gfd head enchants mess up the ach? Any info would be awesome.
Hahahha bit of a misinterpretation, I'm just wondering if there are enchants out there that will nil the herald achievement lolBefore Legion it was whatever enchants gave the most Mastery, at least for Healing roles. Not sure if you can even take advantage of Mastery at 80 now though. The scaling also makes it harder to pinpoint the best enchants since some of them just outright don't work at all, and others scale slower. Ultimately, I don't think enchants will make that much of a difference, just make sure your armor is gemmed.