Horde EZ mode.


So I found myself asking how the heck does alliance have so many hunters with ungodly health pools. I knew about all of the items they had available to them vs horde but never really considered them to be that big of a deal. Using chardev I put in what I consider to be BIS for both factions while leaving the race the same so that I could see just what the difference in the stats was. I am familiar with Hunters and Rogues and I believe its easier to decide what is BIS vs casters who might value there abilities stm/int/hit/crit/spi all a little different.

This comparison does not include BOAs, LFH or WBFH do to the time commitment and randomness. It took me 5 weeks to fish up my LFH for my Sham. Nor does this include Googles as inscription provides a better bonus then the googles do. These items would adjust the balance giving Horde Rogues some much needed hit to exchange for other stats and both Hunters and Rogues some more HP with the hat. However there is still quite a stat imbalance.

But the point is after a few days of playing and gearing up this is what you can expect to find between the two factions.


They get a +10% to agility and +15% to stamina and it is reflected in the stats below.

220 health from the extra 22 stamina (after talent conversion)

10 agility (after talent conversion)

.92% chance to hit

4 crit rating

1.73 chance to crit (crit rating and additional agility)

122 armor which equals to 3.32% additional damage reduction

1.19% chance to dodge (from additional 10 agility)

Side note: Horde is left .84% under hit cap

Gear differences:


Head: Rifle Commander's Eyepatch/None

Shoulders: Shadowfang Spaulders/Spaulders of the Hero

Legs: Aluwyn's Legguards/Smelting Pants (Hogger's Trousers are PVM legs)

Ring: Ello's Band/Legionnaire's Band

Weapons: Wicked Dagger with Dissector/Impish Blade with Stillwater's Dagger (Needed for hit)


They get a +30% to agilty and is reflected in the stats below.

190 health from the extra 19 stamina

20 agility (after talent conversion) (My math shows this to only be 12-13 agility. However 20 was what chardev came up with???)

1.85% chance to hit

2.55% crit chance (from additional agility) (1.53% with my math)

122 armor which equals to 3.32% additional armor reduction

3.86% chance to dodge (from additional agility) (2.32% with my math)

Side note: Horde is left 1.77% under hit cap but does gain 4 attack power from the 4 strength on the ring. Also 1.6 dps drop on off hand.

Gear differences:


Head: Rifle Commander's Eyepatch/None

Shoulders: Shadowfang Spaulders/Spaulders of the Hero

Legs: Aluwyn's Legguards/Smelting Pants (Hogger's Trousers I might consider putting these on for Horde but HP might fall below 1k)

Ring: Ello's Band/Legionnaire's Band

Weapons: Wicked Dagger with Dissector/Wicked Dagger with Stillwater's Dagger (Needed for hit)

My gear selection might be debatable but I do believe this is as good as it gets for these two classes.

Mail is balanced. Horde has the cloth advantage. Alliance has the leather advantage. Blizz wasn't really thinking of level 20 when it decided what to balance. If you are talking about 20s though, you have to include BoAs and LFH.
Aradiel said:
Horde has the cloth advantage.

Depends a bit on how you factor in Riot Stick and the Bandana, though.

But in general, as said before, it's the Ease of Acquisition issue that's the 'main killer' for random Battlegrounds, and Hunters/to a lesser degree Sub Rogues not being the most balanced - resulting in a crapload of random Ally Hunters and Rogues wearing enough gear to be an issue.

Which btw is why LFH and BoA's don't really factor in anything but twinked out vs twinked out discussions - your random Trial toon isn't going to have those items.
Tinkerton said:
it's the Ease of Acquisition issue that's the 'main killer' for random Battlegrounds, and Hunters/to a lesser degree Sub Rogues not being the most balanced - resulting in a crapload of random Ally Hunters and Rogues wearing enough gear to be an issue.

^^^ This sums it up perfectly. Far too many Horde in random battlegrounds have sub 800 health. This makes it very frustrating when trying to get enough honor for heirlooms (Ignoring the level 24's and class imbalance issues)
Aradiel said:
Mail is balanced. Horde has the cloth advantage. Alliance has the leather advantage. Blizz wasn't really thinking of level 20 when it decided what to balance. If you are talking about 20s though, you have to include BoAs and LFH.

Mail isnt balanced, as they can still wear the eyepatch.Sure Horde has cloth advantage, but a Hunter/Rogue/Retadin > Mage/Warlock
Jdoring said:
Why wouldnt you at least factor in the goggles, seeing as those take all of an hour maybe to farm mats for. Basically what you are telling me is if you gimp the horde side and compare it to the alliance side which already has the advantage then the alliance has much better gear, tell us something we dont know please

I don't think the goggles should be factored in. Hardly anybody cba to actually make them. Personally I always do, but that doesn't mean other people do. No horde EVER has the goggles, except for Aerie peak and the fully geared randoms who at least have a clue. Even if the horde randoms were smart enough to figure out about the goggles, they would probably be too lazy to make them anyway, being that they are too lazy to spend a few hours collecting gear. Excuse me "I have a life"... my bad

*Go into the alliance side bg without a clue* "WHERD U GET THE HEAD E:YEP:ATCH THING %T?!!1?!11" "Run stockades" *Bam enough stats to unbalance the game already
If you're planning on getting LFH then definitely shield over eyepatch. Even counting the hit as useful, you get better stats from shield and hat over eyepatch and crap shield.

Item Comparison Tool - World of Warcraft

(note charges on Black Husk, making it a much less appealing alternative)
thurghul said:
You'd be an idiot to take the shield over the eyepatch imho.

and u wouldnt be such an idiot if u would read first before u flame stupid stuff^^

its not bout the eyepatch or the shild ... its bout the eyepatch for the one class and other imba stuff for shaman alliance for example - compared to the horde possibilities.

always these kiddys .. nahnahnah
Wait, so we are talking about the general population of players that dgaf about this game, that arent any good, that will probably cycle on through in a week or two? What's the point in caring about those players if you are playing on AP horde side where you guys consistently run 10 man premades, with players with the goggles or the hats... I'm sorry but that just makes no sense at all, what did you expect when you knew wwe would be playing with brand new players? And to those of you that havent rerolled AP then thats on you, if i were you i would cut my losses and reroll ASAP... This argument about a severe gear disparity is not very valid when you look at the fact that the hordies on AP have the BiS of near BiS gear for their faction and they can make it so that they are the only ones in a WSG, obviously there is a disparity, but its equal to the cloth disparity that favors the horde side when the horde toons have their BiS
pinochet said:
If you're planning on getting LFH then definitely shield over eyepatch. Even counting the hit as useful, you get better stats from shield and hat over eyepatch and crap shield.

Item Comparison Tool - World of Warcraft

(note charges on Black Husk, making it a much less appealing alternative)

What if you change specs and want to try ret or prot? Reroll another toon? You're also counting the LFH like its super easy to get. You could get it in 1 hour, it can take also a year to get. I "planned" on getting Zinrock from Archaelogy on the first day of Cata, I still haven't gotten it.

Boose - Didn't mean to make my post mean sound, apologies to you.

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