Horde AP had some fun premades this weekend (a F2P video)

@Acai: I'm so sorry I forgot to list you at the end... I saw your toon in one scene after I had uploaded it! >_< !!! I won't forget you next time!

Thanks for the feedback guys. I definitely want to make a WSG video with one a 10-man premade where we get the job done fast. :D

A special thanks to the Horde who participated, I think we had an average of 30+ people online on the weekend. We were struggling to fit people into our groups - just goes to show our bracket is alive and healthy as ever.
WSG premades might be pretty boring :p We'll just hit them midfield, kill them all, get a Druid to EFR, run the flag while we keep them @ the GY. Its as bad as sometimes nobody dies -_-
You could put in some arena or hard winning PuGs. I think those are a lot more interesting than just rolling people (given that you can get that at any bracket). Show some insane flag caps, arena action or us beating a lot of 24s or something. We've had some REALLY close games where we should never have even had a chance (That 11 hunter game we won for example).
the premades this weekend were some of the most fun gams Ive had since us 29s died
Hells yes, this weekend was awesome great games.

AWESOME video wtb more f2p videos great job

ZOMG also starring meeeee <3 I feel so noticed! :)

and out of curiosity, what kinda frame rate do you get while recording?

I recorded at 50fps, but my computer would have easily handled recording in 60fps. I play on Average/Good settings.

I rendered the video for 50 fps.
MISFITS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fiend club member since 94

Thanks for the reply purse.

I should have asked this at the same time but, what program did you use to record?

I recorded it with a full version of Fraps, compressed my footage in Virtual Dub, and edited it in Sony Vegas 9.
Purse, let me know when you are doing another Aerie Peak Horde PvP Video. I'll make some time within my work schedule to get on and help organize the groups.

Great video :)

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