(Horde) 80 Twink guild <OS Gaming> returning for some Cata fun!


New Member
Hello and welcome to the return of <OS Gaming> our first time back to twinking in over a decade!

Our guild was formerly ranked #1 US 80 twink guild over on Kel'Thuzad Alliance at the start of Cataclysm until we shifted our focus to 85 twinking in MOP. We were composed of over 400+ active members who ran multiple raid teams of full 80's throughout Cata. We challenged ourselves post nerf with no raid buffs, while simultaneously having raid teams compete against each other for speed clears with rewards and glory! We achieved World First Herald of the Titans kill post WOTLK and full 80 Heroic Lich King 25 kill without buff during Cata. We cleared ICC, RS, Ulduar weekly to gear our members and help sister guilds on the server grow. We also organized weekly Arena/RBG events for all to attend who saught achievements, titles, mounts, or for those who wanted to contribute to keeping our community active and fun!

Our goal moving into Cataclysm is a full return to our roots and expand back to what we were known for: community, togetherness, friendliness and overall safe environment for twinks to thrive and return to what they once knew and loved. We are located on Faerlina - Horde and are opening our doors to recruitment starting today! Our sister guild <Dedicated Few> Pagle - Alliance is also recruiting active and dedicated players looking to gear up their numbers and actively thrive on the alliance side to give us a fun challenge for PVP/PVE competitions! If you are looking for a friendly home for twinking 80s going into Cata/MOP we would be elated to have you! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

OS Gaming Bnet Tag: Calaum#1879 Discord ID: calaum Discord Server https://discord.gg/3qNPs5RE7Q
Dedicated Few: Btag: Namexgaming#1711 Discord: Namexgaming
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I'm gearing my ret pally on alliance side ATM. When do you guys typically Queue?
This past month weve seen a little bit if a slow when it comes to random bg pops. majority of us are enjoying WG every 3hrs daily (currently 80-84) and both guilds are hosting weekly events wether thats raids/pvp or arena skirms/etc.

We are continuing to try and bring activity to the bracket despite all the fixes that need to be made in classic in general. Hope to see you soon!

Note - the more up to date posting links are posted in cataclysm thread https://xpoff.com/forums/80s-cata.471/

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