honest opinion of bfa so far

hi im timmy
ofc horde gonna grp queue bare rogues coz they all suckd in every other expac now they can look like they're good once the bombs get nerfed they'll go back into hiding like the dogs they are, untill then lag 7 all day
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far more entertaining than 40 yard harpooonz allday.
>queues into a BG with no gear.
>dies instantly to a geared player.
>must be a problem with the game design.
>Big Brains Solution: Stop forming groups to counter the rogue aids, and let's all die.
any1 queueing 5mans into 12 yr old timmy with 500hp just trying to escape his alcoholic dad should be killed irl
still happening today, people appearing offline using every consumable bugged satchel gear saltwater positons 50% potions, speed pots triple rogue double druid :( shame these people were all irrelevant in MoP and WoD and got farmed out of the bracket in cata :( referencing 1 in particular
oh well atleast they get to feel good now for once
( no hate to Chainz )
sry about my high ms today btw idk what happened :/
people thinking rogues is the issue when resto druids are literally topping healing and damage numbers while being the best flag carriers... hm
ofc horde gonna grp queue bare rogues coz they all suckd in every other expac now they can look like they're good once the bombs get nerfed they'll go back into hiding like the dogs they are, untill then lag 7 all day
I haven't leveled up my eng yet and have had a lot of fun on my Outlaw since BFA. I wouldn't say Rogues suck without the eng shit.
I haven't leveled up my eng yet and have had a lot of fun on my Outlaw since BFA. I wouldn't say Rogues suck without the eng shit.
ofc horde gonna grp queue bare rogues coz they all suckd in every other expac now they can look like they're good once the bombs get nerfed they'll go back into hiding like the dogs they are, untill then lag 7 all day
" gonna grp queue bare rogues coz they all suckd in every other expac "
they being the players
So what do we get at this point 2, 3? Bgs before we're blacklisted? Haven't been able to play a few days?

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