Holy or Disc at 70?


So the title is pretty obvious. Holy or Disc for a 70 priest? I main a 2.3k HOLY priest so I can play holy very well, but if Disc is just that much better then I'll roll it. Also, if anyone has a BiS armory link for a priest? Thanks!!
Dont know if you are US or EU, but im looking for a disc partner for 2s if you are interested. 2.1k+ on my old pala before the arena change in mediocre gear.

[US, Alliance, Emerald Dream] 70 Prot Paladin
BattleTag: Omgdontdie#1921
Disc is and will prolly always be the best healing specc at 70 arena. holy is decent aswell due to stun mainly but dont hope to much
Both specs are quite viable, I think it really depends on what you want to run. Disc can put out some serious damage, however I think holy is better as an aggressive healer. At 90 I run UH dk / holy priest (im the dk) and it works quite well, however at 70 I run rogue / disc (im the rogue) and I like it a lot, the healer can swap between offense and defense quite easily and mind bender does insane amounts of damage. I have seen holy priests before and my experience with them is that they tend to drop faster to me as a rogue, although I think this is due to the players getting caught up in being aggressive and forgetting to heal.
Disc forever and always
That's not a valid argument, it's like saying that Lasagna is better than Pasta Carbonara.
It's your opinion, not any reason to play it.

Ontopic: I am 99.9% sure that Disc performs better than Holy.

I've heard holy is like just the littlest bit better than disc in overall aspect of priest play. Granted, most holy priest out there that I've seen preform vastly worse than the disc priests, and personallly I only have played with 1 good priest, which was disc, and against a few good ones (around 2200 mmr this season 2s) disc as well. Holy less popular but from things ive heard about it, its better if the person can actually play it well. something about the benefits of the stun! :p
Holy is on par with disc (did dome UH DK + holy priest recently, worked better than expected) in terms of healing, but it is waaaay easier for a disc to burst.
That's not a valid argument, it's like saying that Lasagna is better than Pasta Carbonara.
It's your opinion, not any reason to play it.

Ontopic: I am 99.9% sure that Disc performs better than Holy.

Ye it is my opinion and he asked for it.

''on topic: i am 99%%blablbal''
why so sure about it? you don't even play priest din tent
Holy is on par with disc (did dome UH DK + holy priest recently, worked better than expected) in terms of healing, but it is waaaay easier for a disc to burst.

It depends a lot on your partner. Holy has insane healing in serenity chakra, where a single renew and your lightwell is enough to keep almost anything alive. But if you're playing with a more squishy partner, say a mage, rogue or hunter, the huge shields from disc are invaluable.

Holy definitely has the higher skillcap. Switching between chakras is required to justify playing it. But just because it has the higher skillcap it doesn't mean that it's better, and I'd argue that in many circumstances disc is the better spec.
It depends a lot on your partner. Holy has insane healing in serenity chakra, where a single renew and your lightwell is enough to keep almost anything alive. But if you're playing with a more squishy partner, say a mage, rogue or hunter, the huge shields from disc are invaluable.

Holy definitely has the higher skillcap. Switching between chakras is required to justify playing it. But just because it has the higher skillcap it doesn't mean that it's better, and I'd argue that in many circumstances disc is the better spec.

Fairly true. Both are good, but in most cases you will want to go for disc.
If the skill level of the player is extremely high with both specs i would say Disc if you are running with a rogue, and Holy if you are running with anything else. If you are somewhat new to priest or are just average skill wise i would say roll disc.

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