Hmm, a good 2v2 setup?..

Hey :) Okay, me and 4-5 of my friends are makeing some lvl 19 twinks. And then we got the idea to make like our own rating system. (We are a druid(me) warr, pala, and priest) So, we got to make these teams, what do you think would be a good setup for me as druid, feral and healing :)Got both gear. Would just hear your opnion about a good setup? Please help. Who of em should i team up with?.. And should i go healer or feral, or balance?..
feral is not good. The dmg output and utility is so poor that its just not viable. Going into arena in FC gear is also not a good idea, since you wont have the spell power to sustain yourself and you will just die.

Resto is good enough as is balance. Balance really just means you root and hibernate anything you can whilst wrathing and healing where required. Balance gear is pretty much the same as resto but with more hit rating.

If you go resto you will find shaman and priest setups difficult to deal with since they will purge your hots. However if you are cunning you can get your warrior to stick to and pressure the preists with alittle help from your roots and with shamans you can do the same, and you can also hibernate them when in ghostwolf. which is mint

Balance however doesnt have a very good rep atm, however i intend to fix that once my druid is on blackout.
^^ Balance is bad for pvp at all levels in my experience. Moonfire tickles. But make a video when your done and change my mind Kore :p
Well until proven otherwise, people will probably flame me if i suggest babyboomkin. Go full resto with glyph of rejuv, however since your setup is healer heavy dont be adverse to throwing the odd wrath out, its dirt cheap and hits hard enough to make it of use. Moonfire is only for stopping bandages.

Edit: oh, and hit cap.
balance is op as hell at 49 and pretty good at 80. Technically Dreamstate was a semi-balance spec that raped 70's. xD

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