Highwav 39 twink Guild recruiting Draenor EU



We are recruiting new and old players to join our guild. To compete in the battle grounds. Since we don't have any BG queues at the moment we kill time by doing War Games (arena).

Guild tabs





Our main goal is to get this bracket active again and get regular Battle Grounds. To help this, the guild offers free gear for their active and dedicated members. Together with Wreckin Balls we are trying to revive the bracket and once again make it shine. Since both the guilds provides gear to the dedicated and that they are both located on Draenor. It will make it easier to coordinate pvp events, arena etc.

Information about the guild

We have the largest playerbase of 39 twinks EU..

We are a very helpful guild.

We are aiming for a great community for 39 twinks.


What we want from you


A good personality, (get along with other members of the guild)

Preferably knowledge in twinking, but not necessary.

What we have to offer to you

We will offer you gear and enchants.

Help with dungeons.

A friendly guild.


Whisper Siwtz, in-game for invite to the guild.

Will edit new pictures when possible
I'll see what I can do. I've been thinking about this but I would not know what class to roll since I don't have access to BoA's on Dreanor :(
siwtz said:
Don't mind the boas! Imo, just choose whatever class you prefer to play :)

Got a profile laying around for a Feral Druid? Pref without BoA's or GF'd :p
siwtz said:
This is what I come up with Feral Druid, non-boa

Thats a good profile, however you can`t get 40 armor on those BoP legs, only 32 armor.

A few changes and you could net 20 more Feral AP and 2.18% more crit in Catform at the expense of only 80 health. With MotW and Rum you would still be at about 3153 health.

These are:

Change shoulders to Revelosh's Spaulders of the Monkey 9 stam/8 agi variety.

Change cloak to Grovekeeper's Drape with 12 agi on.

Change legs to Basilisk Hide Pants with 40 armor on.

Change the enchant on boots to Surefooted instead of 12 stam.

This will leave you with no wasted hit as you will be smack on 28 hit rating. It`s a question of that bit more nuke or that tiny bit more survivability.

mrdoobry said:
Thats a good profile, however you can`t get 40 armor on those BoP legs, only 32 armor.

A few changes and you could net 20 more Feral AP and 2.18% more crit in Catform at the expense of only 80 health. With MotW and Rum you would still be at about 3153 health.

These are:

Change shoulders to Revelosh's Spaulders of the Monkey 9 stam/8 agi variety.

Change cloak to Grovekeeper's Drape with 12 agi on.

Change legs to Basilisk Hide Pants with 40 armor on.

Change the enchant on boots to Surefooted instead of 12 stam.

This will leave you with no wasted hit as you will be smack on 28 hit rating. It`s a question of that bit more nuke or that tiny bit more survivability.


Added those items to the Chardev :) Feral, non-boa, 2

Edit: Fixed the shoulders + leg enchants
Not bad Siwtz, but you still got the wrong Rev Spaulders (9 agi/8 stam) and wrong armor kit on legs (+32 armor) :p
Mialo said:
Why do you actually go for NE? Shadowmeld-Stealth combo?

Yes, the main idea was for a Shadowmeld-Stealth combo, but also for the 2 % less hit chance on you. People with only 5% hit will miss you and can save you countless of times. So I would go Night Elf > Worgen

List of bonuses for night elf

[Shadowmeld] : Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect, 2 minute cooldown.

[Quickness] : Reduces the chance that melee and ranged attackers will hit you by 2%.

[Elusivesness]: Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Shadowmelded or Stealthed and increases your speed while stealthed by 5%. Faster stealthed speed added in . (Rogue and Druid only)

[Nature Resistance] : Reduces the chance you will be hit by Nature spells by 2%. Changed to Nature Resistance (1 point per level) since


List of bonuses for Worgens

[Darkflight] : Activates your true form, increasing movement speed by 40% for 10 sec. 3 minute cooldown.

[Viciousness] : Increases critical strike chance by 1%.

[Aberration] : Shadow and Nature Resistance (1 point per level) since .

My point is that I think NE is superior to Worgens. I made the list to make it easy to see what benefit is gained from each race.

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