Highest stam bracer/boots for cloth wearer?


what are the Highest stam bracer/boots for cloth wearer? i currently have 4 stam bracers and 5 stam boots i know u can get 6 stam boots but not sure about rest, also does any1 know the stamina on the satchel cape of stamina? i am ally.

EDIT: i forgot to ask what the highest stam gloves are too... i think they are of the eagle 4/4 or is there a q reward?
thanks alot mate.
BUMP on gloves highest stam!?
4/4 eagles until cata comes out then gold-flecked/jutebraid/serpent gloves
sta set is trash on a warlock it isn't worth giving up the spell power; you're dots become a little more than an annoyance if you dont have atleast 100sp.
i have 170 sp in normal set and maintain 1.3k hp, thats not the issue, the stam set is for fc only, i am aware i will not have to carry often but there will be times and i want to be prepared, up until very recently we were going to have soul link as our demo speciality which would make warlocks stronger tanks than any class at 19 along with demon armour better carriers than any if you arent in it for speed. i am by no means running with a stam set in arena.

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