Highest level you have beaten as a twink/biggest level difference?

I think it is important to realize though that Twinks are fully geared for their levels. Even though there are players that have a higher level, many of them are using 'leveling gear' that is neither optimal nor comparable to the twink's gear.

While it might be BETTER than the twinks gear (as far as numbers), it goes as follows...
Twink's gear is fully, or close to BiS, meaning 100% ideal.
Higher level's gear is average, or around 40% of what a BiS item would look like.

Those numbers are just random, but you get the point.
While a 70 twink is fighting a level 80+ person, one could say that the difference is not as much simply because of the gear optimization on both players.

You know this to be true because a 70 twink may have a fair fight against another twink, but they would wreck the hell out of any person doing the dungeon grind wearing >iLvl 190 gear.
back in late Vanilla with the crazy dodge scale. my lvl 10 rogue (100% dodge) could beat anything any lvl. Because they couldn't touch me.
41 non-twinked Warrior on my level 1 Rogue
32 Monk and 29 Hunter (at the same time) on my 24 Rogue. It really helped that the hunter had his back facing a hill when trying to disengage me. I laughed quite a bit.
In the Days of Cataclysm, I Beat a 63 warlock in BoA on my lvl 10 resil stacked Resto Druid. Lots of making sure i was behind him, so he couldn't get a cast off.
Level 54 warrior, as a level 10 twink priest...... OP!!!
70 twink as 60 twink
I beat a 40 enhancement sham on 19 sub twink rogue, had pyrium weapon chain on. (He was actually trying to win lol)

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