High end arena battlegroups.


Hello Twinkinfo,

I just recently started twinking again, but this time I didn't like the 19 bracket so I thought I'd go for the 70 one since arena seems far more enjoyable.

My question to you is; if I were to reroll to another battlegroup, which European battlegroup is most active at 2k+ rating? I don't want to have to face the same 3 teams from 1800-2200 like on my current bg.
Cyclone is active like 15 teams above 2k?
For cyclone, what realm should I go then? and faction? (when thinking most lvl 70 activity)
[quote name='Zanex']For cyclone, what realm should I go then? and faction? (when thinking most lvl 70 activity)[/

Cyclone is a very active battlegroup with many active servers, ravencrest alliance side (my realm) guild <impression>, terenas alliance and horde side, alliance guild <eternal sanctuary>, skullcrusher horde side and aggaman hordeside, I'm sure there's a lot more but these are the servers of people with high end ratings. Chech it put man, my characters name is Gígs, over on ravencrest alliance side.
hahaahah eazzy good jk xD
Honcho said:
Don't come to Misery, because Eazzyy will rape you, constantly. I'll be supporting.

Have a nice day.

- H

Eazzyy hahaha, a decent player but veryy cocky, I'de say better on his rogue but meh, also is spliffyz on your server now? 70 Mage? RL name emil?
Was saying the same thing a few days ago Honcho. GUESSHESTOOBADFORWOW
Honcho said:
What happened to your 'Best Druid EU' signature? ...now I cannot rip you a new one. Put it back, just so I can flame you some more.

Thanks, tit

Leveled my bracket after everyone failing to come at us :( Guess ur flames didn't work mmh :( Link me new best druid plz for lolz inc
Honcho said:
So you level up, only realise that once out of a ridiculously stupid bracket that you are actually pretty average?

That's fair, I need not flame you, as you have come to your senses.

Proud of you, son. Good luck at 85, and have fun with your steady 1.7k rating.

Kiss kiss

- H

No my skill is just never seen before, I should show everyone the light. Even at 85.

Sorry couldn't make much sense out of ur trollpost, so u get a shitty reply too. HF being banned for ur failtrowlz

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