Hidden Patch Notes for 49s


-Sul'thraze hit with the nerf bat, 75% nerf on dmg and dmg reduction
-2 pc Of the Fang and Slither-Scale 11 int to 4 int
-Green Dragonscale is now 22 vers for a full set
-Across the board HP reduction (200 for my warrior/monk, 400 for my priest)

-Attack Power Brewfest trinket now works (procs 77 AP, but has like Landslide proc rate)

Anyone notice anything else?
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Just guessing we will have reduced proc damage on inc ammo, x-ray scope.. heck they might even have fucked crusader enchant..
Nerf to twinks feelsbadman...
I will try the hunter enchants in a bit.
Did some pvp but didnt have time to do target dummy testing as I was grinding for Crusader enchant recipe. Inc Ammo still does good damage. Fury warrior still is a bitch.
Postmaster's set nerfed right? @galaxyz
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i just notice too that my green dragon set versa been reduced by over half ! is this set even worth using anymore ? now that versa been down to 22, making it approx 7 versa on each of the 3 pieces
[doublepost=1545146884,1545144829][/doublepost]i tested a Hemet's Heartseeker on Hellscream's Warbow to use it on a lvl109 yesterday .. i dont know if something was wrong or it was meant to be, it proc so often .. sometimes it proc more than once in less than 1 minute !!! the point is, there are other enchants by engineering prof of the same period (expac), i believe there is crit or haste too, yes this is a mastery proc, but if it proc so often, it will be better than any BFA new weapon enchants, just want to say its proc rate is very suspicious and you guys can use it on a BOA and pass it to a lower lvl toon to use, each proc is 15 seconds and it can proc 2 times within a minute !

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