hi there

How many times have you quit in the last few months [MENTION=19556]Quack[/MENTION]? Why do you keep making these quitting/returning threads? Has there been a patch since you stopped? So what makes you think It's any different?

He want to get new starts of all he started with everyone... Be nice ;)
He want to get new starts of all he started with everyone... Be nice ;)

Are you guys still making 29s or are all of you done with the instance grind?
we do arena occasionally (sorry for spelling mistakes) and its pretty fun

Sounds good. I'll /w one of you when I see you on line or add horrormovie.
lol quack honestly depression doesnt make u a better tink, also ur spell combinations and ways are terrible, Ive seen u heal and fc and lord have mercy on dis young man was the first i thought.
also if ure trying to get away from ur depression wow isn't exactly the right place.
quack one day ull maybe reach over 100k healing done wsg but until then pls dont get names like "ottobestworld" ok????
dude stfu otto single handedly revived the bracket i think he controls all the accounts cause i saw a thread where it said he revived it
dude stfu otto single handedly revived the bracket i think he controls all the accounts cause i saw a thread where it said he revived it
Agreed if he says that he revived it singelhandedly in a thread on a twink forum I think its just better to agree since every thread on TI contains nothing but pure truth.
Agreed if he says that he revived it singelhandedly in a thread on a twink forum I think its just better to agree since every thread on TI contains nothing but pure truth.

Edit: Btw mark/otto/quack (idk which alias to use) if you've gone through depression I dont think coming to TI and telling ppl it will be any good for you.

Edit, Edit: I fucked my Edit up sorry xdd
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Not studying for school. I've been teaching myself Dutch and french.
Sport = soccer running swimming badminton tennis hurling( Irish ) Gaelic football ( Irish ) rugby golf probably missed a few you get what I mean.
Yeah TI is cancer tbh too many trollers and people hiding between fake TI accounts but I don't care what the haters say they are my motivation to prove why am I'm in the top 5 best players EU along side hurrx Vianco roula smull and hardbass:
Thanks for that trolling post hurrx.
Whatever people like stalking my Facebook sending me hate mail getting whispers ingame telling me to kill myself and all this then when I do die everyone be like OMG there so mean I'm like how is that helping anyone now? So cop on some people take that shit serious.
Whatever I'm still Jesus whatever you say I'm a bad fc healer and all that I'll admit I'm not the finest healer but I'm a good fc I never fc because I just pot flags for fast caps. Give me a prot or BM or something. Anyway I'm out peace
Not studying for school. I've been teaching myself Dutch and french.
Sport = soccer running swimming badminton tennis hurling( Irish ) Gaelic football ( Irish ) rugby golf probably missed a few you get what I mean.
Yeah TI is cancer tbh too many trollers and people hiding between fake TI accounts but I don't care what the haters say they are my motivation to prove why am I'm in the top 5 best players EU along side hurrx Vianco roula smull and hardbass:
Thanks for that trolling post hurrx.
Whatever people like stalking my Facebook sending me hate mail getting whispers ingame telling me to kill myself and all this then when I do die everyone be like OMG there so mean I'm like how is that helping anyone now? So cop on some people take that shit serious.
Whatever I'm still Jesus whatever you say I'm a bad fc healer and all that I'll admit I'm not the finest healer but I'm a good fc I never fc because I just pot flags for fast caps. Give me a prot or BM or something. Anyway I'm out peace

How could Jesus be Irish when not even Saint (obviously a relative) Patrick was?

Edit: Have you ever told the truth in your entire life?
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yes otto 13 yr old scottish paladin revived this bracket he is obvsly top 5)))
quack who r u fooling maybe u can get TL to call u god when they're in need of Tabard of flames but until then ure shit healer outplayed by 1k tinks pls)))
Not studying for school. I've been teaching myself Dutch and french.
Sport = soccer running swimming badminton tennis hurling( Irish ) Gaelic football ( Irish ) rugby golf probably missed a few you get what I mean.
Yeah TI is cancer tbh too many trollers and people hiding between fake TI accounts but I don't care what the haters say they are my motivation to prove why am I'm in the top 5 best players EU along side hurrx Vianco roula smull and hardbass:
Thanks for that trolling post hurrx.
Whatever people like stalking my Facebook sending me hate mail getting whispers ingame telling me to kill myself and all this then when I do die everyone be like OMG there so mean I'm like how is that helping anyone now? So cop on some people take that shit serious.
Whatever I'm still Jesus whatever you say I'm a bad fc healer and all that I'll admit I'm not the finest healer but I'm a good fc I never fc because I just pot flags for fast caps. Give me a prot or BM or something. Anyway I'm out peace

Your not even close to be top 5... We all know you cant even play 10, you got wrecked and cried about beeing killed...
''Anyway I'm out peace''

My face this whole thread

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